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Son of the Supreme State Prosecutor and a Judge registered on the list of the Levica party

Škandal24 published an article, in which it reveals that the Levica MP Nataša Sukič is encouraging like-minded people to put up posters with inscriptions, such as “we cannot stay quiet,” with the slogan “put up a poster,” which she is using to encourage the reproduction and pasting of posters. Meanwhile, the Levica party is already announcing an offensive against the government of Janez Janša and openly accusing him of cooperating with criminal groups. At the same time, the Council of the Levica party has registered Lan Jenull, a young man who is practically a teenager, and also a gay activist, as their candidate. Jenull is the second son of the Supreme State Prosecutor Hinko Jenull and Judge Tadeja Zima Jenull. His stepbrother Jaša Jenull is also a left-wing activist.

It has recently been revealed to the public that the Levica MP nataša Sukič is openly addressing and sending anti-government content to citizens. As can be seen from a photo we obtained, Sukič allegedly forwarded an e-mail by Lucija Plavčak, who wrote the following: “Comrades! I am convinced that under the government of Janez Janša, we are aware of the contempt and destruction of culture, more than ever before during our short lives. Do not just stand there, do not despair, sing a song, read a poem, PUT UP A POSTER, DO NOT STAY QUIET!”

Judging by the e-mail, Škandal24 believes that it could be concluded that she is also the initiator of the past actions of putting up posters on different buildings. “And there are certainly some of them still glued somewhere.”

The Council of the Levica party is already preparing for a new offensive after the failed vote of no confidence
The Council of the Levica party has made a proposal, with which they will continue to “harass” the government after the vote of no confidence failed. The party wrote that they are already getting ready to implement the backup plan of work, which was prepared in case the vote of no confidence failed, and they stayed in the opposition. “In this case, we will focus on three thematic areas; namely, we want to put the green topics first, followed by the “red” topics and the defence of democracy and the offensive against the government of Janez Janša, which openly cooperates with criminal networks,” they wrote.

With this, the Council of the Levica party also registered Lan Jenull, who is practically a teenager and also a gay activist, as a candidate. Lan is a member of the prosecutor Hinko Jenull’s family, which we have already written about.

Sara Rančigaj

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