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The situation is becoming even tenser ahead of the announced vote of no confidence: The SMC MPs and the DeSUS MP are once again the targets of twisting of their arms!

Just before the Constitutional Arch Coalition will announce the long-awaited vote of no confidence, the SMC MPs and the DeSUS MP Branko Simonovič have once again found themselves facing another attack. “Freedom or fear?” is what was written on the posters, and a swastika, the symbol of Nazism, was also added. The situation is increasingly proving that water is running down the oppositions’ throat, as they realise that they do not have enough votes to file a vote of no confidence. In any case, the drastic approaches of twisting the MPs’ arms will not help them gain the necessary support for the vote of no confidence.

“The threats are only making me stronger!” the SMC MP Gregor Perič warned some time ago, when the unknown attackers came before his home and hung a poster there, that read “Hero or traitor?” On Nova24TV, we have been warning about the twisting of the MPs’ arms for a while, but it has still not diminished.

Members of the SMC parliamentary group are unanimous in their decision to not help Karl Erjavec form a new government, but they are always willing to cooperate with anyone. Erjavec announced a filing of the vote of no confidence against the current government for Friday; however, it seems that the opposition does not have the required support for it, so they have once again decided to try and scare the deputies before the day of the decision.

Freedom or fear, they wrote and printed the photos of the SMC deputies Gregor Perič, Janja Sluga, Moika Gregorčič, Branislav Rajić, Mateja Udovč, Dušan Verbič, Igor Zorčič, and Mojca Žnidarič on the posters. However, it seems that Erjavec also did not manage to get the votes from all of the deputies from his own party, as the posters also include the DeSUS MP Branko Simonovič.

 Sara Rančigaj

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