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The rule of law, according to the left: Immunity for first-class citizens!

“This is how the SD, LMŠ, Levica and SAB parties understand the ‘rule of law.’ Zoran Janković made this perfectly clear. If you are on the “right” side, the Slovenian judiciary will also be on your side,” the Prime Minister Janez Janša said in his response to the pogrom, carried out by the opposition because of the letter he sent to Brussels. He reminded everyone of an interview on Croatian television, in which the Ljubljana “sheriff” Zoran Janković made it clear that he was not afraid of the courts or prison because he was protected by the informal immunity he had earned by opposing Janez Janša.

“Not even a little, I have been the biggest opponent of Janez Janša’s policies in the field of executive power all these years,” said the Ljubljana “sheriff,” when a journalist from the first programme of the Croatian Television asked him whether he believes he could be convicted and sent to prison one day. Zoran Janković recklessly, and also not very cleverly, made it clear that in the Slovenian transitional judiciary, the only thing that matters is whether you are a supporter of Janez Janša or his opponent. If you are someone who is against Janša, you can afford to be a part of horrible financial and sexual scandals, but you are still protected like a bear from the Kočevje region. Even a big criminal like him can sleep peacefully if he is “ours,” a first-class citizen.

The only crime a criminal can commit is to be on Janša’s side. The Slovenian Prime Minister is obviously one of the very few people who managed to stand up to the totalitarian transitional terror from the shadows, which, even after Slovenia has earned its independence, retained its key positions in the society, judiciary, media, politics and the economy. However, Janša paid a high price for this, as he was unjustly imprisoned, which was also recognized by the Constitutional Court. It is clear that he did not kneel before the totalitarian structures and before the dark forces of Forum 21 but heroically opposed them, much like what Ivan Kramberger had done years before Janša, and had to pay for it with his life.

Janković is a man, who has obviously become hardened because of his criminal activities, but he has also obviously managed to silence his conscience enough to keep a cheerful face and a wide smile, despite all of his sins, which makes it clear to everyone that he is untouchable or protected by a “guardian angel,” also known as the deep state. Let us mention just a few of the biggest scandals that the long-time Mayor of Ljubljana has already been involved in – but suffered no consequences whatsoever because of it. There are the controversial write-offs of millions of debts of the Janković family, the affair with a pharmacist, where he demanded sexual favours in exchange for a job, the overpaid and unfinished Stožice project, the controversial deals with the Ljubljana utility company, and many more.

However, Janković is only one of the “uncles” of the deep state, who are the opponents of Janša’s government. TV show host Boris Tomašič spoke about the (other) operatives of the deep state who are working to overthrow the government of Janez Janša on his show on the 11th of November 2020. Tomašič initially pointed out that he would not be talking about the former Slovenian president Milan Kučan, but about the operatives themselves, who are trying to enthrone the Eurosceptic economist Jože P. Damijan before the official end of the current government’s term. Among others, Tomašič mentioned Gregor Golobič, president of the failed Zares party; Bogdan Biščak, the former secretary of the Zares party and the ideologue of the extreme left; Matjaž Han, the leader of the SD parliamentary group, and Martin Odlazek, a media tycoon convicted of financial fraud, as operatives.

Domen Mezeg

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