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Villagers Went On A Manhunt For Migrants After A Kidnapping Attempt

The Croatian village of Grobnik witnessed a village-wide manhunt for migrants who allegedly tried to kidnap a 15-year-old young man. The police did not take the alleged kidnapping attempt seriously, so the people of the village of Grobnik organised a manhunt for the alleged kidnappers. When they found them, they handed them over to the police officers.  

The family of the teenager who almost ended up in the hands of the migrants then thanked their fellow villagers. “We thank everyone who helped yesterday, especially all the good people of Grobnik and the Armada who restored our faith in people. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts on behalf of our family. We have proved that we have to stick together. Let us take care of our children. Thank you, guys.”

The news of the attempted kidnapping of the young football player spread on social networks on Friday evening already. The football club of the village of Grobnik also alerted the public to the incident, the Demokracija magazine reports.

The teenager’s father wrote: “On Thursday, a little after 9 p.m., my 15-year-old son was walking back from the Grobnik Football Club on Bani Street, when he was intercepted by a blue van without number plates (as far as he remembered, it was a Volkswagen) near the bridge. Four dark-skinned men of Asian origin jumped out. One grabbed him by the shoulder, the other two blocked his path.”

Fighting the kidnappers

The boy, however, was not about to give in to the thugs. He punched the one who grabbed his shoulder and then ran off into the woods.

“One of the assailants followed him, while the other ran down the road (Žeželovo selo Street). However, my boy managed to escape and get home. The police were informed of the incident. I would like to ask all parents to warn their children and teach them self-defence, as such incidents are not something we are used to in our relatively peaceful environment,” wrote Valnea Beriša.

The event was reported by the Fiuman web portal.

Ž. K.

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