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The new Lord of the Rings and the “disenchantment” of Middle-earth

If JRR could Tolkien, he would probably turn around in his grave now. The reason for his astonishment is probably the perforation of Middle-earth from the upcoming television series entitled The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. This new “adaptation”, produced by one of the technological tyrants, the dark lords of a globalized world, will reflect our own distorted and holistic zeitgeist, the culture of death, and the dictatorship of relativism, and prove that Tolkien was right in his claim that fairy tales contain a mirror man. This new version will be a perversion and reversal of the moral vision of Tolkien’s epic, but also a faithful reflection of the ugliness of the perversion of himself and those who carried out this distortion of the original.

Middle-earth on the big screen

If we had to point out what Tolkien might have thought of this perversion of his work, we could find it in his response to three American entrepreneurs, Forrest J. Ackerman, Morton Grady Zimmerman, and Al Brodax, who showed and suggested drawings for The Lord of the Rings cartoon. Tolkien was amazed at the “really amazingly good pictures”, which he found relieved to be “more Rackham than Disney,” but he was horrified by the story. “People gallop on eagles at the slightest provocation,” he complained to his publisher, “Lórien becomes a fairytale castle with ‘elegant minarets’ and all that stuff.” Worst of all was the description of the Lembas, the elven bread that was allegorically associated with the Eucharist, as a “food concentrate”. Needless to say, Tolkien broke off negotiations with film moguls to preserve his epic work and protect it from attacks of such banality and rudeness.

We certainly don’t know what Tolkien would think of Peter Jackson’s film adaptation of The Lord of the Rings, but there’s no doubt that Jackson went to great lengths to capture the epic dynamics of the original work and avoid capturing the anger of Tolkien’s fan base. Part of the film’s marketing strategy was actually to win the hearts of Tolkien fans with assurances that the goal was fidelity to the literary template. Those who had expected the worst, including the author of this article, were generally pleasantly surprised by the film’s fidelity to Tolkien’s text, despite obvious and sometimes incredible exceptions.

A new series as a perversion of Middle-earth

But the same is not true of Jackson’s terribly bad adaptation of The Hobbit. Apparently hoping to benefit from the success of the Lord of the Rings and suffer from the greedy dragon disease that is the root of all evils in The Hobbit, Jackson took outrageous liberties and turned Tolkien’s high-profile children’s story into a technology-dependent and computer-generated travesty and mockery.

Let’s end a little deeper by looking at the spirit that is likely to permeate the new techno-tyrannical production of The Lord of the Rings. There was talk of adding a bit of salacious spice to the stories by introducing salacious scenes. We were promised that the Shire would submit to what the dictatorship of relativism persistently calls “multiculturalism.” The new adaptation will remove the veil of chastity that obscures Tolkien’s work and remove the self-sacrificing love that enlivens Tolkien’s Middle-earth with the animus of self-occupied and self-sufficient lust. It transforms the viewer into a voyeur and disfigures him with the power of the ring that binds everything in the darkness, instead of transforming him with the power that rides over all shadows.

Hollywood’s “multiculturalism” against the diversity of Middle-earth

As for the transformation of the Shire into a “multiculturally” acceptable place, according to the techno-tyrannical staging of The Lord of the Rings, the authentic culture of the Shire is only imposed with a globalist monoculture that cultural imperialism tries to impose on the technological tyranny of the world. The middle ground that Tolkien envisioned is authentically multicultural. The Hobbit culture is its own; It is a wild culture rooted in the people themselves and passed down from generation to generation. Similarly, the culture of Bruchtal and Lothlorien is authentically elven and has been passed down over millennia. The culture of Rohan and Gondor, the culture of the people, is authentic in itself and differs from the cultures of the Hobbits and Elves in that they are different from each other. And there is the enemy of this healthy cultural diversity, the culture of mordor’s death, which despises the cultural diversity of the peoples of Middle-earth and tries to impose its own global trademark on everyone, or orcish inferiority, characterized by Sauron’s eye.

The culture of Mordor’s death, like the culture of death of technological tyranny, seeks to erase true cultural diversity, the diverse fruits of the hobby-great peoples of the free peoples of the world, in order to replace them with a unique “multicultural” monoculture in which no one sings their songs, but all listen to globally placed “world” music. The “multiculturalism” imposed by the technological tyrant on the Shire in Middle-earth and the counties of the world is nothing more than the cultural imperialism of the globalist plutocracy. He ploughs all the beautiful and diverse flowers of authentic local and national culture and replaces them with a label of tasteless monochromatic monoculture. It is a replacement of the color spectrum with fifty shades of gray.

Instead of series books in hand!

It goes without saying that with a little freedom-loving reason and wisdom, they will stay away from these new “adaptations” of the Lord of the Rings, which could be compared to one of the Palantír balls, the so-called Palantír balls, clairvoyant balls that allow the Dark Lord to feed with his propaganda to anyone stupid enough to take a look inside them. Denethor spent so much time staring at one of these bullets that he believed the Dark Lord’s victory was inevitable, and committed suicide as an act of utter despair. It is not for nothing that the word palantír means “far-sighted” and can be translated as “far-sighted” (“television”), which was certainly Tolkien’s intention. The decision to watch the techno-tyrannical Palantir version of The Lord of the Rings is a game with fire. Use Denethor’s option.

It would be much better to quietly protest this recent desecration of Middle-earth by picking up a copy of Tolkien’s literary classic and reading it (again). Not only will this embarrass the devil and his globalist servants, but it will also bring us closer to the God Tolkien points to in his “basic religious and Catholic work.”

By Joseph Pearce
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