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The hungarian anti-paedophilia law: Hands off our children!

“Before reacting to a piece of legislation it’s always better to read it first. This is the proper order,” Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said, in response to criticism and attacks on Hungary over the country’s anti-paedophilia law. V4NA has sent written inquiries to several politicians, asking whether they had actually read the law.

“The European Commission President’s remarks are shameful because they are based on false allegations,” Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said, responding to Ursula von der Leyen’s statement describing Hungary’s anti-paedophilia law as shameful.

At a joint press briefing with Belgium’s premier, Ms von der Leyen said she had instructed the relevant commissioners to express in writing Brussels’ legal concerns about the law to the Hungarian authorities, which she believes is discriminatory.

“We will not compromise on these principles. The Hungarian law runs counter to all fundamental EU values,” the Commission chief posted on social media.

However, in response to Ms von der Leyen’s statement, PM Orban pointed out that the Hungarian legislation is based on Article 14 (3) of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU.

“Under this provision of the Charter, the right of parents to provide their children with an education suited to their religious, ideological or pedagogical beliefs must be respected,” Viktor Orban said, adding that:

The statement by the president of the Commission is shameful because it is a biased political opinion formulated without an impartial inquiry.
“The recently adopted Hungarian bill protects the rights of children, guarantees the rights of parents and does not apply to the sexual orientation rights of those over 18 years of age, so it does not contain any discriminatory elements,” the Hungarian premier then underlined.

V4NA has sent a written inquiry to the European Commission President, asking whether she has actually read the Hungarian legislation.

We wanted to know why she made such a statement if she actually read the law, and if she didn’t, then why hasn’t she already? We also asked when the president would stand up for the rights of indigenous minorities in Romania and other European countries?

“PM Mark Rutte spoke in the tone of the old colonial arrogance when he called on Hungarians to kneel,” Hungary’s justice minister responded to the Dutch premier’s comment regarding Hungary’s new anti-paedophilia law.

Speaking about the recently adopted Hungarian legislation, Mr Rutte – a constant critic of Hungary and the Hungarian government’s measures – said “Hungary should revoke this law and kneel.”

“As long as I live, I will fight with all my might so that the Hungarians never have to kneel before Rute or any other colonialist,” Hungarian Justice Minister Judit Varga said, adding that

“with this sentence, the Netherlands’s leader has written himself out of the circle of civilised people!”
V4NA has also asked the Dutch prime minister in a letter if he had read Hungary’s anti-paedophilia law. We asked for his opinion about the aim of the law, which is perhaps best encapsulated by the short motto of “hands off our children.”

Hungarian PM Viktor Orban spoke about his government’s position and the protection of children as early as in June.

“We must be clear: we do not want to expose minors to any sexual influence, and we want to punish those who break this rule and cross this line,” Mr Orban said back then.


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