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Mateusz Morawiecki: “The EU will soon no longer be a federation of free, equal and sovereign states”

Poland’s prime minister warns in a letter to member state and government that the EU will soon be a “centrally governed organism” run without the democratic control of citizens.
The EU could soon no longer be a federation of free states, because there is an unusually dangerous development that threatens the future of the EU, it said in the letterpublished on Monday by the government.

If this development is not stopped, it could affect one country today and other countries tomorrow.

In his letter, Morawiecki went on to write that Poland fully adheres to European law and that the judgments of the ECJ are complied with as in any other member state. However, Poland has the right to demand that EU institutions act where they are competent – and not in other areas.

Poland’s head of government will defend controversial decisions on judicial and legal issues at a debate in the European Parliament in Strasbourg today. This also concerns the recent ruling of the Polish Constitutional Court, which calls into question the primacy of European law over Polish law.


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