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Germany: Mostly unregistered asylum seekers in the country

Migrants applying for asylum in Germany must have previously been registered in the EU country from which they are entering. As it turns out in a frightening way, this is not the case for every second immigrant.
Registration of asylum seekers simply never takes place on the smuggling routes across Europe. Only every second person who is finally apprehended or “registered” in Germany has already been registered in a country at the EU’s external borders or a “transit state”. This has now been established by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bamf).

53 percent not registered

According to available data from January to the beginning of December 2021, more than half of the first applicants (aged 14 and over) were not registered in Eurodac. This EU database is used, for example, for the international comparison of fingerprints of asylum seekers, which were simply intended to prevent multiple applications made in different EU countries.

According to the Bamf, the fingerprints of 74,837 migrants (aged 14 and over) were compared using Eurodac, resulting in only 35,245 hits from an already completed registration in one of the transit countries of the EU.

EU ‘Dublin rule’ not being implemented

The Dublin regulation, which came into force in January 2014 and was revised in 2018, states that the first EU country in which an asylum seeker enters EU soil is also responsible for his asylum application. This apparently non-functioning regulation is often referred to by the EU Parliament as the “cornerstone” of the European asylum system. Now this pillar, it seems, is probably just as rotten as the EU’s asylum policy based on it.

Due to the fact that Germany is not located at an EU external border, another EU country would therefore be responsible for every asylum seeker who enters German soil by land. Now, however, according to the Bamf, it turns out that this is by no means the case.

In addition to the Dublin Agreement, Eu asylum policy is based on Articles 79 and 80 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) as follows:

“A forward-looking and comprehensive European immigration policy based on solidarity is one of the main objectives of the European Union. Immigration policy aims to establish a balanced approach to dealing with legal and illegal immigration.”

CDU now criticizes dysfunctionality of the system

Now that they are in opposition, the CDU feels compelled to criticize this grievance, which had been ignored as far as possible in the times of “we can do it”.

Alexander Throm, for example, foreign policy spokesman for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag, said that “the often lack of registration drastically demonstrates the dysfunctionality of the Dublin system”. “Registration and repatriation of migrant asylum seekers are basic conditions for an EU asylum system,” Throm continued.

In conclusion, he declared “that the Traffic Light Coalition must insist with all consistency on compliance with the Eurodac Regulation”. “By redistributing, to relieve other EU states despite registration deficiencies, disproportionately, as provided for in the coalition agreement, is the wrong signal, said Throm.

To sum up, as soon as the wind blows from a different direction, do you suddenly want to recognize what it is suffering from?


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