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FDP deputies celebrate planned advertising release for abortions in an embarrassing party mood (Video)

The redesign of § 219a is one of the most sensitive areas of our legislation at all, because it is about the protection of life. The fact that FDP deputies are now celebrating their planned change with a party video and head-down gestures shows the moral neglect of these politicians and a significant part of their party.

Advertising for a criminal offence has so far been prohibited

‘Any person who, publicly, in a meeting or by disseminating a content (Paragraph 11(3)) of his financial advantage because of his financial advantage or in a grossly offensive manner

  1. own or third-party services for the performance or promotion of an abortion or
  2. Means, objects or procedures suitable for terminating pregnancy, with reference to this suitability

offers, announces, advertises or discloses statements of such content shall be punishable by imprisonment of up to two years or a fine.”

… such as § 219 a, which belongs to the overall complex of “crimes against life”. This prohibits the advertising of abortion, which is still considered a criminal offence. The new government, which in the context of its corona policy repeatedly pretends to want to protect lives, now wants to change this paragraph. And thus advances into a highly sensitive area…

Leading in the sinister matter again a FDP man. The Tagesschau reported two weeks ago:

“The criminal law paragraph on the prohibition of advertising for abortions is to be repealed. To this end, Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann has now presented a draft for the repeal of Section 219a, which prohibits “advertising for the termination of pregnancy.”

Some FDP members of parliament who will be voting on the deletion of this paragraph do not seem to be aware of the serious matter at stake here. Otherwise, the following party video with the head-down gesture would not have been created in the first place, let alone proudly distributed:

Undignified, pietyless and inhuman

“Whatever one’s opinion on the debate on 219a: This party video including head-down gesture by several FDP deputies is undignified, pietyless and inhumane. Anyone who publishes something like this lacks the ethical and moral maturity for a mandate in the German Bundestag,” said Felix Leidecker (CDU).

This article was first published by PHILOSOPHIA PERENNIS, our partner in EUROPEAN MEDIA COOPERATION.


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