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A new case of discrimination against whites in France: Whites banned from meetings of a student organisation!

As a guest on the morning broadcast of the Europa 1 radio network, the president of the National Association of French Students, Mélanie Luce, said that her student organisation organises meetings and gatherings where whites are not allowed to enter.

When a host Sonia Mabrouk asked if whites were excluded from some of the meetings, Luce answered affirmatively. She said that “today women face discrimination, so we organise meetings where they can express their feelings about this discrimination.” She also added that “we organise meetings where people who have felt racism can tell how they deal with it.” The journalist then asked her if there were any cases where only non-whites were welcome at the meetings and whites were excluded, to which Luce replied “yes, we organise such meetings”.

At the same time, she did not explain why, as someone who is supposed to offer a “safe space” to so-called “victims of racism”, she also discriminates against certain people on the basis of their race. She is probably of the opinion that only whites can be “racists”, and that only minorities can be “victims”.

The statement of the student president also met with stormy reactions on social networks. MEP François-Xavier Bellamy called for the abolition of the National Union of French Students, as this was the only way to stop such “racist tendencies”. And author and editor Eric Naulleau wondered “who will stop this madness”. Moreover, the former MEP and founder of the Les Patriotes party is of the opinion that after the statement of its president, the abolition of this student organisation should be self-evident.

A. S.

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