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Slovenian News In ENGLISH


How did Prime Minister Golob humiliate the members of the failed LMŠ and SAB parties?

The list of Golob’s empty promises is getting longer every day, this time former members of LMŠ and SAB parties got on the wrong side of him. When Golob announced that after SAB and LMŠ joined Golob’s party, their members would automatically become members of the Gibanje Svoboda party, however, this is not the case, …

How did Prime Minister Golob humiliate the members of the failed LMŠ and SAB parties? Read More »

The Leftists Are Destroying Slovenian Democratic Party’s Posters Out of Desperation

“This is the Party of Alenka Bratušek’s tactic for the election campaign – they covered up our posters with a candidate who is not even from our constituency. So far, we have found five poster sites where this has happened. This is not a sign of bravery and reliability but of corruption! And it will …

The Leftists Are Destroying Slovenian Democratic Party’s Posters Out of Desperation Read More »

Forty-Five MPs Still Incapable of Condemning Fascism, Nazism and Communism

“By supporting the Resolution on European Conscience and Totalitarianism, the National Assembly will explicitly and permanently express its rejection of all totalitarian regimes, regardless of their ideology, as they are all based on violence, human rights violations, and are therefore criminal and reprehensible. By supporting the resolution, the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia …

Forty-Five MPs Still Incapable of Condemning Fascism, Nazism and Communism Read More »

Another Defeat for the Constitutional Arch Coalition: Justice Minister Dikaučič Survives the No-Confidence Vote

The Minister of Justice, Marjan Dikaučič, successfully passed the vote of no confidence, which was filed against him by the opposition LMŠ, SD, Levica and SAB parties, and the independent MPs. Namely, 42 MPs voted in favour of the vote of no confidence, while 28 voted against it. In order for the vote to succeed, …

Another Defeat for the Constitutional Arch Coalition: Justice Minister Dikaučič Survives the No-Confidence Vote Read More »

Will European Liberals Take a Closer Look at Bratušek’s Extremely Harmful and Illiberal Actions?

Dimitrij Rupel, a long-time Minister of Foreign Affairs, wrote a letter to the president of the German liberals, Christian Wolfgang Lindner, regarding Alenka Bratušek’s efforts to get the SMC party excluded from the European liberals’ ALDE group. Rupel called on Lindner to encourage an independent investigation into Bratušek’s proposal, as what she is demanding is …

Will European Liberals Take a Closer Look at Bratušek’s Extremely Harmful and Illiberal Actions? Read More »

MEPs Criticised Bratušek for Singing Partisan Songs and for Her Anti-European Statements When She Embarrassed Herself in Front of the Whole World

When Alenka Bratušek made a fool of herself in front of the competent European parliamentary committee and embarrassed Slovenia with her (self)nomination for the position of European Commissioner, not even the ALDE group supported her. Bratušek was certain that at least part of the blame for it lay with Jelko Kacin, who she believed was …

MEPs Criticised Bratušek for Singing Partisan Songs and for Her Anti-European Statements When She Embarrassed Herself in Front of the Whole World Read More »