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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

Matteo Salvini

Check on Salvini?

In recent weeks, surprising news has been circulating, to say the least, of a possible rapprochement between Matteo Salvini’s La Lega and the European People’s Party. Power softens convictions and the presence of La Lega in Mario Draghi’s government seems to have seduced some party leaders into “moderation”. Last Wednesday, Giancarlo Giorgetti, minister for economic …

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Salvini in Portugal: On the way to a grand coalition of the right in the European Parliament?

According to the Lega chairman, the world could be much worse after the fall of the wall, but the historical situation that Europe is currently experiencing could also be seen as an opportunity. The creation of a group that brings together the 130 right-wing MEPs in the European Parliament would make it possible to forge a …

Salvini in Portugal: On the way to a grand coalition of the right in the European Parliament? Read More »

PM Orban: We need a European renaissance

We talked about the future of Europe, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban told a press briefing in Budapest he held jontly with Italy’s former interior minister and Lega party chief Matteo Salvini, and Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. According to Viktor Orban, the pandemic situation enjoys priority in every discussion. They exchanged experiences and urged Brussels …

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