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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

Janez Janša

Employee of the Social Work Centre Ljubljana, Gordana Pirš, Returns: It Is Amazing How Many Insults and How Much Hatred She Was Able to Channel into One Post Against the Well-Known Analyst Jeretič and TV Show Host Možina!

“Janšistic ass-kisser, Home Guard fucker, SDS scumbag, liar, SDS shit, SDS moron, cretin, idiot, SDS Janšistic lowlife, rabble, vermin, stinker.” All of these words were put in one single post by the infamous Gordana Pirš, an employee of the Social Work Centre Ljubljana. She directed all of these vile words against Sebastjan Jeretič. She was …

Employee of the Social Work Centre Ljubljana, Gordana Pirš, Returns: It Is Amazing How Many Insults and How Much Hatred She Was Able to Channel into One Post Against the Well-Known Analyst Jeretič and TV Show Host Možina! Read More »

Slovenia’s prime minister Janez Janša in a letter to SDS members: Thank you for your courage and support

Letter to SDS members and supporters on the occasion of the first anniversary of the mandate of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia “We go on resolutely and responsibly (Letter to SDS members and supporters on the occasion of the first anniversary of the mandate of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia) This …

Slovenia’s prime minister Janez Janša in a letter to SDS members: Thank you for your courage and support Read More »

Janša to the Former President of ALDE: “Stop Patronising… First, You Have to Earn the Trust of Your Own Voters, Then Lecture All Others.”

Guy Verhofstadt, a Belgian MEP from the ranks of the political group Renew Europe of the European Parliament, has also turned out to be one of the people who have suddenly become very worried about the state of the media in Slovenia. After the infamous Politico article was published, accusing the Prime Minister Janez Janša …

Janša to the Former President of ALDE: “Stop Patronising… First, You Have to Earn the Trust of Your Own Voters, Then Lecture All Others.” Read More »

Prime Minister Janez Janša and Minister of Culture Vasko Simoniti are happy to accept the invitation in connection with the debate on the rule of law in Slovenia

Sophie In ‘t Veld (Renew / D66), who heads the Group for Monitoring Respect for Democracy, the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights within the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Rights, Justice and Home Affairs, has sent an invitation letter to the Prime Minister Janez Janša and Minister of Culture Vasko Simoniti for in camera …

Prime Minister Janez Janša and Minister of Culture Vasko Simoniti are happy to accept the invitation in connection with the debate on the rule of law in Slovenia Read More »

Prime Minister Janša to Bratušek: You Borrowed Expensively and were Saving the Tycoon Banks, but now, the State is Borrowing Cheaply, and the Money is Going Directly to the People!

“You borrowed at an interest rate of 5 to 7 percent, and you did not want to accept cheap money from the European bank resolution mechanism. You put the weight of all the money you borrowed for the rehabilitation of the banks on the shoulders of Slovenian taxpayers and future generations,” Prime Minister Janez Janša …

Prime Minister Janša to Bratušek: You Borrowed Expensively and were Saving the Tycoon Banks, but now, the State is Borrowing Cheaply, and the Money is Going Directly to the People! Read More »

Is this the end of threats going unpunished? The first conviction of a violent person who threatened to kill Prime Minister Janša!

“With the judgement of the District Judge Vlasta Lajlar in the criminal case against the accused Luka Štitić for the criminal offence of threatening, under the first paragraph of Article 135 of the Criminal Code (Kazenski zakonik – KZ-1), following the indictment by the District Court in Celje (…) on the 18th of January  (…), …

Is this the end of threats going unpunished? The first conviction of a violent person who threatened to kill Prime Minister Janša! Read More »

Dear Politico, dear Lili Bayer: You are a propagandist of the radical left, an exporter of fake news and a case study on how to mislead the public

Dear Politico editorial staff, dear Lili Bayer, if we are not mistaken, Politico was established as an “impartial medium” with accurate information and details from the background of political events. It wanted to become a prestigious and credible resource from the world of global politics. But let’s leave that aside for now. Who you choose …

Dear Politico, dear Lili Bayer: You are a propagandist of the radical left, an exporter of fake news and a case study on how to mislead the public Read More »

Prime Minister Janša extends a hand once again: the government invites all parliamentary groups to participate in overcoming the epidemic and to join forces for the well-being of Slovenia

“Tomorrow is a new day, and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia invites all parliamentary groups from the National Assembly to work with us in overcoming the epidemic, and to join our forces in the effort of ensuring the well-being of Slovenia. Let’s not build our future on resentment, there is enough space for …

Prime Minister Janša extends a hand once again: the government invites all parliamentary groups to participate in overcoming the epidemic and to join forces for the well-being of Slovenia Read More »

Prime Minister Janez Janša nominates Peter Opeka for the Nobel Peace Prize

Prime Minister Janez Janša has nominated missionary Peter Opeka and his humanitarian organisation Akamasoa, which operates in the suburb of Antananarivo in Madagascar, for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. In 2019, the humanitarian association Akamasoa (the name translates to “Good friend”) celebrated its thirtieth anniversary. In these thirty years, Peter Opeka and his association have …

Prime Minister Janez Janša nominates Peter Opeka for the Nobel Peace Prize Read More »

Prime Minister Janez Janša: The willingness of the government and the economic sector to cooperate is mutual

Prime Minister Janez Janša attended the January meeting of the members of the Manager Association. The event with a rich programme represents the symbolic start of the new economic year, so it is filled with optimism, new ideas, enthusiasm and expectations. During the meeting, Prime Minister Janez Janša spoke with the executive director of the …

Prime Minister Janez Janša: The willingness of the government and the economic sector to cooperate is mutual Read More »

Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša in a New Year's message: "When we come out of this war with the coronavirus, we will not think of suffering. We will be grateful for our health. And the good things that were born in these difficult times will be remembered for the rest of our days"

“We have some very demanding weeks ahead of us. But we will hold out. Three decades ago, we became an independent, sovereign nation that was able to consolidate its forces for a good common future. Today, as sovereign individuals, we know how to think with our owh head, without the help of TV screens. Let’s …

Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša in a New Year's message: "When we come out of this war with the coronavirus, we will not think of suffering. We will be grateful for our health. And the good things that were born in these difficult times will be remembered for the rest of our days" Read More »

Urška Klakočar Zupančič – Independent judge or a leftist political activist?

Urška Klakočar Zupančič, Judge of County Court in Ljubljana, has expressed political standpoints and even falsehoods on Facebook, which are diminishing the objectivity and the independence of the judicial powers in Slovenia. Because of that Dr. Vinko Gorenak has addressed certain questions regarding this to the president of the Supreme Court Damijan Florjančič and to …

Urška Klakočar Zupančič – Independent judge or a leftist political activist? Read More »