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EU funds

Was “Flood Recovery” Just An Excuse For Construction Tycoons To Get Loans From The EU?

Months after the August floods, the Golob government is still using the storms as an excuse for all its other failures. According to MP Andrej Hoivik from the Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka – SDS), the “post-flood rehabilitation” was also one of the excuses for obtaining additional loans, which would, in fact, have served …

Was “Flood Recovery” Just An Excuse For Construction Tycoons To Get Loans From The EU? Read More »

Liberals Only See Progress On The Rule Of Law When They Usurp The Power

During the term of the previous government of Janez Janša, the average outside observer could have concluded from the reactions of the European Commission, especially the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), and the European Commission’s infamous report on the rule of law, that Slovenia was sliding into a Russian-style autocracy. In …

Liberals Only See Progress On The Rule Of Law When They Usurp The Power Read More »

Poor Absorption Of EU Funds By The Golob Government – Which Is Boasting About The Work Of The Previous One

Under the current government led by Robert Golob, the absorption of European Union funds has practically stopped. In a matter of months after this government took over (from April to July 2022), Slovenia fell from 4th to 11th place among all EU Member States in terms of absorption of funds. From being a prosperous country, …

Poor Absorption Of EU Funds By The Golob Government – Which Is Boasting About The Work Of The Previous One Read More »

The Golob Government Failed Completely In Terms Of Absorbing EU Funds

During the term of the previous Janez Janša government, Slovenia was near the top of the most successful countries in terms of absorption of EU cohesion funds. It has become Slovenian folklore that absorption of cohesion funds deteriorates sharply when a left-wing government takes over from a right-wing one. And this time, it was no …

The Golob Government Failed Completely In Terms Of Absorbing EU Funds Read More »

A Fight Between Prime Minister Golob And Minister Jevšek Led To The Latter Leaving A Cabinet Meeting!

It could well be that the next Minister to leave the government would be the Minister of Cohesion and Regional Development, Aleksander Jevšek. Accusations of ineffective management of the ministry, of disastrous results, were already piling up before the August floods – and these have only further exposed the powerlessness of the Minister and his …

A Fight Between Prime Minister Golob And Minister Jevšek Led To The Latter Leaving A Cabinet Meeting! Read More »

Will Slovenia Be Left Without The European Money For Recovery After The Floods?

Where will the money for flood recovery come from? So far, the state has relied almost exclusively on further fiscal burdening of the already overburdened working class through the institution of quasi-working Saturdays (which are, in reality, just an excuse for the state to confiscate one day of wages this year and one day of …

Will Slovenia Be Left Without The European Money For Recovery After The Floods? Read More »

How The Golob Government And NGOs Deliberately Cut Funding For Flood Protection

Slovenia is under water, the situation is catastrophic, the damage is record-breaking, and the rainfall is not over yet. Hydrologists expect more flooding of the Krka, Sava, Drava and Dravinja rivers and a record flow of the Sava River near the border of the country. Sirens are sounding in cities around the country, evacuations are …

How The Golob Government And NGOs Deliberately Cut Funding For Flood Protection Read More »

Golob Gave Up EU Funding For Flood Protection – At The Time Of Floods

In the days when floods devastated Slovenian towns and cities, especially Cerkno, the government renounced part of the EU funding for flood protection. Golob decided that he would rather spend the money from the state budget on this, using the excuse that he needs more time to bring projects in line with environmental standards. This …

Golob Gave Up EU Funding For Flood Protection – At The Time Of Floods Read More »

From Being On Top During The Janša Government, A Fall To The Bottom In Terms Of Absorption Of EU Funds Under The Golob Government

Slovenia is the penultimate country in the European Union in terms of spending the funds from the Recovery and Resilience Plan, and in terms of our Cohesion Policy, we have fallen from 4th to 9th place. Apparently, the government of Robert Golob believes that we do not need the money for development and recovery that …

From Being On Top During The Janša Government, A Fall To The Bottom In Terms Of Absorption Of EU Funds Under The Golob Government Read More »

Slovenia Is Seen As A Problematic Country In European Parliament Debates

As we know, the left-wing governments have traditionally been extremely bad at absorbing funds from the European Union. Whether this is a case of operational incompetence or, more importantly, a lack of dedication, since the potential for corruption with EU public funds is much lower, is a matter for debate. But the data show beyond …

Slovenia Is Seen As A Problematic Country In European Parliament Debates Read More »

Hurting Our Country Did Not Pay Off for Lenarčič and Fajon: Slovenia Has Received the First EU Funds From the Recovery Fund

After we exclusively reported in July this year that the Slovenian Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič joined the conditioning for the approval of the Slovenian Recovery Plan worth 2.5 billion euros, thus trying to hurt his own homeland, the SD president Tanja Fajon recently also pointed out that she would insist on initiating a …

Hurting Our Country Did Not Pay Off for Lenarčič and Fajon: Slovenia Has Received the First EU Funds From the Recovery Fund Read More »

Slovenia can expect first EU recovery funds soon

Slovenia can expect the first transfer of funds under the EU’s recovery and resilience instrument very soon, European Commission Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis said after a virtual session of EU finance ministers. Finance Minister Andrej Šircelj said the financing agreement had already been signed and submitted to the Commission last week. Slovenia is entitled to …

Slovenia can expect first EU recovery funds soon Read More »