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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

Dr Robert Golob

The 8th Of March Institute Has Disappeared After A Heavy Fine For Breaking The Law!

Since the notice could not be served to the offender at their address at Glinškova ploščad 9, the Court of Audit informed the 8th of March Institute (Inštitut 8. marec) of the offence of financing a referendum campaign from unauthorised sources by publishing a public notice on its website about a week ago. The parcel …

The 8th Of March Institute Has Disappeared After A Heavy Fine For Breaking The Law! Read More »

Searching For A Law That Would Justify Golob’s 600 Euros For 1093 Judges And Prosecutors

Since Prime Minister Robert Golob (The Freedom Movement – Gibanje Svoboda) announced at the extraordinary general meeting of the Slovenian Association of Judges (Slovensko sodniško društvo) that he would provide a 600-euros-gross monthly allowance to each judge and prosecutor as early as January, I asked the government what this allowance would be and where the …

Searching For A Law That Would Justify Golob’s 600 Euros For 1093 Judges And Prosecutors Read More »

The Medical Profession Is Critical Of Golob’s Advice: This Is A Mockery Of The Nation’s Health And Responsible Behaviour

Prime Minister Robert Golob has apparently become a self-proclaimed infectious disease specialist who has offered some revolutionary solutions to the people in their fight against the fifth wave of COVID. “We can all go to the seaside and get better there – I am not joking,” he said quite seriously. “This is a mockery of …

The Medical Profession Is Critical Of Golob’s Advice: This Is A Mockery Of The Nation’s Health And Responsible Behaviour Read More »

Unacceptable encroachment on media freedom! The KUL and Golob parties want to subjugate the media!

Representatives of the opposition and the Gibanje Svoboda party wrote a protest letter, in which they flatly state about the irregularities and pressures that journalists on RTV Slovenia are allegedly experiencing. Director of RTV Slovenia Andrej Grah Whatmough emphasised that the management of RTV Slovenia never put pressure on journalists and editors of RTV Slovenia …

Unacceptable encroachment on media freedom! The KUL and Golob parties want to subjugate the media! Read More »