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Dr Jože Možina

Journalist Možina On The Police Visit At RTVS: “I Will Not Be Intimidated”

“Freedom” seems to have started showing its teeth ever since the complete politicisation of the public media outlet Radio-Television Slovenia (RTVS) under the guise of depoliticisation has happened. After the unanimous dismissal of the last disturbing element, Uroš Urbanija, from the post of Acting Director of Television Slovenija, it seems that the intimidation of journalists …

Journalist Možina On The Police Visit At RTVS: “I Will Not Be Intimidated” Read More »

The National Media Outlet RTV Censored Možina’s Piece

They say that the right, or more specifically Janez Janša, has hijacked the national media outlet Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV). However, given that Thursday’s central daily news show censored the contribution of the journalist and historian Jože Možina, who is considered to be a particular thorn in the side of the left, because he is among …

The National Media Outlet RTV Censored Možina’s Piece Read More »

Faces of the Slovenian separation: One country, two Slovenias, or double track for the suicide of the nation

The title of Jože Možina’s book (The Slovenian Separation) could not be better and more realistically portray not only wartime Slovenia, but also the decades after it. What started with the revolution is still going on and refuses to end in any way: to have a divided nation in order to rule more easily. And …

Faces of the Slovenian separation: One country, two Slovenias, or double track for the suicide of the nation Read More »

The Radical Policy of Murders of Civilians Was Dictated by Kardelj With Zdenka Kidrič

“The radical policy of murders was dictated by Edvard Kardelj, along with Zdenka Kidrič,” said historian Dr Jože Možina at a round table on Remembrance Day of All Victims of Communism, who showed those present the correspondence of the two persons mentioned above, in which the instructions on the killing of the Slovenian civil population …

The Radical Policy of Murders of Civilians Was Dictated by Kardelj With Zdenka Kidrič Read More »

The Association of Journalists and Publicists Condemned Fajon’s Political Attack on Journalist Možina and Expects Her to Apologise

The Association of Journalists and Publicists condemned the gross political attack and humiliation of RTV Slovenia journalist Jože Možina, who hosted the show Utrip (Pulse) on Saturday, the 15th of January 2022, where, in 15 minutes, he commented on the current socio-political topics, in accordance with the journalistic standards and ethics. The association emphasised that …

The Association of Journalists and Publicists Condemned Fajon’s Political Attack on Journalist Možina and Expects Her to Apologise Read More »