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Branko Masleša

All Those Who Bear Personal Responsibility For The Political Showdown With Janša, On Trial

Today, the District Court in Kranj heard a claim for damages in which the President of the Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka – SDS) and former Prime Minister Janez Janša is seeking 900,000 euros in damages from the former prosecutors and judges who tried the Patria case. The Court will first decide on the …

All Those Who Bear Personal Responsibility For The Political Showdown With Janša, On Trial Read More »

Who Is the Supreme Court Trying to Fool by Saying That There Is No Legal Basis for Checking Judge Masleša’s Qualifications?

“When in doubt, the employer has not only the right but also a duty to check whether the employee meets the conditions for his employment at all,” said Dr Matej Lahovnik, adding that the Supreme Court is obviously afraid of the truth and that they are trying to fool everyone by saying that there is …

Who Is the Supreme Court Trying to Fool by Saying That There Is No Legal Basis for Checking Judge Masleša’s Qualifications? Read More »

Ignorance Regarding Supreme Court Judge Masleša’s Disputed Education Will Only Deepen the Distrust in the Judiciary

When the first doubts regarding the qualifications of Supreme Court Judge Branko Masleša arose, the Supreme Court responded with a threat, stating that the judge would prosecute all journalists who are writing about or researching the matter, and in addition, the court also prejudged that Masleša would win the case, and added that he would …

Ignorance Regarding Supreme Court Judge Masleša’s Disputed Education Will Only Deepen the Distrust in the Judiciary Read More »

Extraordinary Session on the Judiciary: The Opposition Got Scared of the Discussion on the Qualifications of Judge Masleša

“The Judicial Council should be dealing with this problem,” Supreme and former Constitutional Court Judge Jan Zobec said at the extraordinary session, regarding the qualifications of Supreme Court Judge Masleša, adding that he understands their embarrassment, as no provision exists which provides for the Judicial Council or another state body to act in case it …

Extraordinary Session on the Judiciary: The Opposition Got Scared of the Discussion on the Qualifications of Judge Masleša Read More »

Fire as a Convenient Excuse for the End of the Masleša Saga, While the Deep State Is Already “Checking” Radonjić

Months ago, we heard an unusual story about a fire at the Faculty of Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina – and allegedly, the diploma of Judge Branko Masleša was also burnt there, but now, the fire has apparently also spread to the archives of the Ministry of Justice. So far, the ministry in question has …

Fire as a Convenient Excuse for the End of the Masleša Saga, While the Deep State Is Already “Checking” Radonjić Read More »

Catastrophic communication of the Supreme Court on the Masleša case

The fact that the public still has not seen either the original diploma or the bar examination of Branko Masleša, that is correctly completed and supported by evidence of a completed internship, is, to put it mildly, unbelievable. Especially if we take into account the fact that Masleša was just recently the President of the …

Catastrophic communication of the Supreme Court on the Masleša case Read More »

Minister of Justice Marjan Dikaučič spoke about the diploma of Supreme Judge Branko Masleša: “We are checking information”

Minister of Justice Marjan Dikaučič broke the silence about the Masleša affair and for Siol or Planet said that he is obtaining information and wants the doubts to be clarified as soon as possible. Of course, we have been wanting this for quite some time. Journalist Mirko Mayer believes that the case will escalate soon …

Minister of Justice Marjan Dikaučič spoke about the diploma of Supreme Judge Branko Masleša: “We are checking information” Read More »

Silence Implies Agreement: The Noose Around Masleša Is Getting Tighter and Tighter

It is becoming increasingly clear that even at the time of his appointment in 1980, Supreme Court judge Branko Masleša did not actually meet the conditions for the position of Supreme Court judge, which can be understood from the act on internship, state legal exam and improvement of professional education of workers in administration and …

Silence Implies Agreement: The Noose Around Masleša Is Getting Tighter and Tighter Read More »

Why should Branko Masleša never become a judge? The original law has been revealed

As reported by the portal, “the mysterious but well-versed Tweeter Fajon revealed the law on the bar exam from 1972. Everything shows that she has found the original law that was in force in Slovenia at the time. Only this proves that Masleša should never be a judge!” For more than a month now, part …

Why should Branko Masleša never become a judge? The original law has been revealed Read More »

An Open Letter by Historian Jože Dežman: “Branko Masleša Is Trying to Preserve the Heritage of the Legal Titoism in a State, Governed by the Rule of Law”

In an open letter, historian and chairman of the government Commission on Concealed Mass Graves in Slovenia, Jože Dežman, wonders whether Slovenian lawyers will ever be able to condemn the “Titoist lawlessness” that was responsible for many crimes in military courts. Dežman believes that the murderous achievements of the courts are not the greatest crimes …

An Open Letter by Historian Jože Dežman: “Branko Masleša Is Trying to Preserve the Heritage of the Legal Titoism in a State, Governed by the Rule of Law” Read More »