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Will Renata Zamida, Nika Kovač and Miha Kovač Finally Be Held Accountable?

“This is, without a doubt, one of the most “dirty episodes” in the career of the otherwise all-around privileged political activist Nika Kovač,” wrote journalist Bojan Požar in his latest expose. The bizarre case of the acquisition of a “taxpayer’s grand” orchestrated by Miha Kovač, an influential Slovenian publisher and professor at the Faculty of Arts, and his daughter Nika Kovač in collaboration with Renata Zamida, former director of the Slovenian Book Agency (Javna agencija za knjigo – JAK), is finally reaching a judicial epilogue, according to the media outlet Požareport, as a request for an investigation has been filed against Zamida. However, Požareport predicts that the pressure from all sides to stop the case will be enormous.

How to make some nice money at the expense of the state has recently been revealed to the Slovenian public by Požareport, which has exposed how the idols of the progressive revolution are creatively swindling the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovenian taxpayers. The alleged illegal money laundering involving Nika Kovač, her father Miha Kovač and Renata Zamida, the former director of the Slovenian Book Agency, will apparently not go unchecked this time, as according to Požareport, the prosecutor’s office has filed a request for an investigation against the latter.

In the quest for a democratic rule of law, where the rules are truly the same for everyone, the latest reporting by Požareport is a step in the right direction. The allegedly illegal actions of Renata Zamida in cooperation with Miha Kovač and Nika Kovač may not go unchecked after all, as the District State Prosecutor’s Office in Ljubljana officially confirmed to Požareport that on the 30th of June this year, the “investigation department of the District Court in Ljubljana has filed a request for an investigation against one natural person – for the crime of abuse of official position or official rights under article 257, paragraph 3 of the criminal code (KZ-1)”. Požareports also wrote that there is no doubt about the fact that the person in question is Renata Zamida. The request for an investigation was submitted by the District Public Prosecutor’s Office in Ptuj, to which the case was transferred due to “the shortage of staff and the heavy workload of the District Public Prosecutor’s Office in Ljubljana.” It will be returned to Ljubljana, the Ljubljana prosecutor’s office added, once the indictment becomes final or the criminal charge is dismissed.

Let’s think back on how it all started

As we reported some time ago about the Požareport revelations, the former director of the Slovenian Book Agency, Renata Zamida, signed a contract worth thousands of euros with Miha Kovač in 2019 for envelope printing. The entrepreneurial dad engaged his daughter, Nika Kovač, for the job. She thus received a thousand euros net of tax-free cash in hand, as the documents show.

Since Nika Kovač is one of the people who are practically untouchable in the media, and Renata Zamida, the former director of the Book Agency, is very similarly untouchable, both of them being close to the Left party (Levica), the journalists of the mainstream media helpfully did not report on this. Moreover, after the article was published, Kovač shared a photo of herself and her father on Facebook. On it, she wrote, new photo for new discreditations. Below, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper Večer, Matija Stepišnik, commented on the picture with the comment, “Just be brave”.

Zamida has faced accusations of irregularities several times during her mandate. This led to several plans to replace her in the past, but with the political influence of the left-wing cultural godfathers, she managed to hold on to the director’s post each time. However, the previous Minister of Culture, Dr Vasko Simoniti, succeeded in this quest, and Zamida was dismissed from her post and also criminally prosecuted. Shortly afterwards, the Minister of Culture was subjected to a media stampede orchestrated by the so-called Constitutional Arch Coalition, which was actually the left-wing opposition during the previous government mandate. Among other faces of the “civil” society at the time, Nika Kovač also signed a letter of support for Renata Zamida. According to Požareport, Zamida “later found refuge with the mayor of Ljubljana, Zoran Janković, who – despite the criminal charges filed against her – made her the director of the new Rog Centre public institute, and she was even mentioned as a candidate for the position of the minister of culture in the current government of Robert Golob”.

Irregularities were detected

According to Požar, the fact that Zamida and Kovač had agreed on the deal in advance was already an indication that irregularities had been detected in the contract. This is confirmed by the fact that the ordering and the signing of the

contract were carried out in a single day. At the time, Miha Kovač, as a sole proprietor, did not even have an envelope business or anything similar registered as part of his activities. He was only registered as a publishing consultant, which means that the whole process was illegal.

Most Slovenian workers have to work extremely hard to earn their minimum wage, and even then, they barely survive a month. But the famous Kovač father and daughter duo just call the “public” institutions under the rule of the left-wing elites, and a net “grand” immediately falls into their pockets. Do Slovenian workers really deserve this kind of humiliation without serious consequences, or will justice be served this time?

Tanja Brkić

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