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The Open Society Report: Nika, Muki And Other NGOs Received Soros’s Money

The left-wing non-governmental organisation, the 8th of March Institute (Inštitut 8. Marec), is ready to embark on new activist ventures after a much longer vacation than ordinary citizens can usually afford. But how could they not afford one after a 250,000-euro financial injection from the left-wing mogul George Soros. Today, the conglomerate is headed by his son, Alexander Soros.

“Summer is coming to an end, and we feel that autumn brings the consequences of novelty,” wrote the members of the 8th of March Institute on the social network X. People can definitely expect new activist ventures that are bound to cause them harm in some way, soon.

Ever since the founding of the 8th of March Institute, we have grown accustomed to the public appearances of the Institute’s Director, Nika Kovač, for example, during the pre-referendum campaign for “drinking water,” when it became obvious that this Institute was actually just an extension of the far left, misrepresenting itself as a non-governmental organisation, all the while claiming that they do not receive taxpayer funding. This was partly true, but they have been betrayed by the sums that are pouring into their 8th of March account from foreign foundations.

Namely, the 8th of March Institute has received as much as 355 thousand euros from the Open Society Foundation (founded by George Soros), of which they received as much as 250 thousand euros last year alone.

However, this was not the only financial inflow into their transaction account. As we have already reported in the past, the amount they received from the Guerrilla Foundation has also been revealed: the foundation allocated 48.5 thousand euros to Slovenia – 30 thousand euros for the 8th of March Institute and 18.5 thousand euros for the “self-directed initiative” The Rog Embassy (Ambasada Rog). This money is direct support for neo-leftist and anarchist entities, among other things, for the creation of a “culturally enriched” society.

Blood money

And the story does not end here, because the 8th of March Institute is also a member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), which also funds its members. Let us remind you that this organisation is part of Planned Parenthood, which promotes the death of unborn children – its founder was Margaret Sanger, who was guided by the ideology of eugenics, which is to kill all those who were not fit to live according to its “criteria” (translation: sterilisation of certain people who are “inferior” to others). The amount of money given to the International Planned Parenthood Federation by Soros is 1,800,000 dollars, which means that a certain proportion of this money will also flow into the pockets of the organisation’s partners, including Nika Kovač.

Soros’s list of “the chosen ones” also includes the Peace Institute NGO (Mirovni inštitut), which received a grant of 300,000 euros for “supporting democratic renewal in Slovenia.” In addition, directly or indirectly, Soros’s support network also extends to other non-governmental organisations and foundations that support various left-wing causes or agendas. One such network is the Network of European Foundations (NEF), which funds selected NGOs each year in cooperation with other organisations.

Do you remember Filip (Muki) Dobranić from the Today is a New Day Institute (Danes je nov dan), who, during the term of the previous government of Janez Janša, was actively involved in the civil initiative the Voice of the People (Glas ljudstva), which tirelessly protested against the government of the time? This same Muki’s Institute has, in the past, via Twitter (now X), called on followers to donate. “Why haven’t you ever donated to us? There are always as many excuses as we want – but we can only fight for a better tomorrow by working together! Don’t be like everyone else who keeps bombarding us with bad excuses. Support our work with 1 percent of your income tax or a monthly donation,” they urged their followers. And while they were “asking for money” from people on social media, more than 100 thousand euros flowed into their pockets in donations.

Again, this is one of the foundations that supports the left-wing agenda, especially in the field of artificial intelligence. According to their website, they are working “to improve working conditions for content moderators and to create guidelines for algorithmic benefit distribution, which means working to spread leftist ideology quickly and efficiently across all online networks with the widest possible access.” Of course, this does not come without “striving for greater social inclusion and diversity,” which basically means even greater segregation between genders, races and other characteristics. Incidentally, the Network of European Foundations has allocated 175,944 euros to Slovenia in 2023, but it is not specified to which organisations the money actually went.

Is this how Muki’s application was funded?

Funding in the technology sector now also explains the source of funding for the recent app launched by the Today is a New Day Institute.

Namely, just like every time before elections, a group of left-wing activists also engaged in action in the run-up to the recent European elections, and their goal, as always, was to prevent people from thinking for themselves in any way they could. They called it “first aid for the European elections,” but it was actually an app where the person filling in the form basically gets suggestions on how to “think for themselves.”

The NGO network is much better funded than we think, and as much as the NGOs would like to give everyone the impression of being the “everyday man,” they are certainly not that. The fact that in addition to tens of thousands of euros in inflows, they are still drawing money from the state budget, in which taxpayers are investing, shows just how calculating and greedy they really are.

Tanja Brkić

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