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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

Prime Minister Janša visits the Association of Societies of Blind and Partially Sighted People of Slovenia

Prime Minister Janez Janša met with the leadership of the Association of Societies of Blind and Partially Sighted People of Slovenia. The meeting focused on the activities of the Association and the current challenges faced by the blind and partially sighted in Slovenia.

The representatives of the Association primarily highlighted the problem of access to various services for the blind and partially sighted, and presented their library project.

After the meeting, the President of the Association of Societies of Blind and Partially Sighted People Matej Žnuderl presented Prime Minister Janša with the monograph From the Raised-Dot Writing System to the E-Reader (Od točkopisa do e-bralca) and the Anthology of the Cultural and Artistic Creativity of Blind and Partially Sighted Artists (Antologija kulturno umetniškega ustvarjanja slepih in slabovidnih ustvarjalcev). Both books were published on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of organised activities for the blind and partially sighted in Slovenia.

During his visit, the Slovenian Prime Minister made a tour of the recording studios and technical facilities where the Association’s audio newspapers and books are published and information is adapted in audio format accessible to the blind and partially sighted. Prime Minister Janša was also briefed on some technical characteristics and medical aids for the blind and partially sighted and shown the rental of adapted toys for blind and partially sighted children and adolescents. Adapted toys are made so as to help blind and partially sighted children and adolescents develop other senses, such as touch and hearing. The Association also organises camps for blind and partially sighted children and adolescents.

At the premises of the Association of Societies of Blind and Partially Sighted People of Slovenia there is also the only printing house in Slovenia where books in Braille are printed and where visitors can learn about this printing process.


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