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More Than 400 Illegal Migrants Were Detained Over The Weekend

Over the past weekend, Slovenian police officers dealt with more than 400 illegal migrants that were detained.

While the Slovenian government is accepting the Brussels quotas for illegal migrants and tearing down the fence at the southern border, illegal migration is increasing at an unstoppable pace. This weekend, more than 400 migrants were processed, 368 of them in the Novo mesto police directorate area. According to the data so far, most of them were from Pakistan, Morocco, Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan and Syria. All of them were arrested in the Posavje region. The proceedings against the foreigners are still pending.

On Saturday, just after midday, officers from the specialised unit for state border control of the General Police Directorate stopped two vehicles with Polish licence plates at a petrol station in Obrežje – one was driven by a 32-year-old citizen of Uzbekistan and the other by a 29-year-old citizen of Kyrgyzstan. The first was carrying a family from Turkey (two adults and three children), the second two Iraqi and one Turkish citizen. None of them had the necessary documents to cross the internal border. Both cars were seized, and the drivers were detained on suspicion of committing an offence.

On Saturday afternoon, police officers from the newly established police station for balancing measures, stopped a car with Croatian licence plates driven by a 32-year-old citizen of Kosovo in the vicinity of Obrežje. The 32-year-old was detained on suspicion of committing a criminal offence, and the car was seized. The proceedings with the foreigners are still pending.

In addition, two cases of illegal border crossing were dealt with by the Ljubljana Police Directorate, in the area of the Koper Police Directorate, the police officers processed 46 illegal crossings of the state border, and the police officers of the Maribor Police Directorate dealt with two Syrian citizens on a train at the Maribor-Pragersko route. They applied for international protection and were taken to an asylum centre.

Andrej Žitnik

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