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Missionary Pedro Opeka Visits Slovenia Again

On Tuesday, after eight years, missionary Pedro Opeka arrived in Slovenia. “This is my homeland, too,” were the first words of the missionary who lives and works in Madagascar. He is undoubtedly the epitome of goodness when it comes to selflessly helping a fellow human being in need.

“Every time I come to Slovenia, it is an experience full of joy for me – when I meet my relatives, my brothers and sisters, my friends and all Slovenians. From Paris to here, it was all fog, but when we flew over Slovenia, it opened up, there were rays of sunshine over the Slovenian villages, over the forests, over the beautiful valleys, the Alps. Slovenia is really beautiful,” the missionary from Madagascar who has Slovenian roots said, according to reports by the newspaper Družina.

Pedro Opeka first thanked the Slovenian Missionary Centre (Misijonsko središče Slovenije) and Mr Jože Kopeinig, who had already taken him to Carinthia, Austria, where the missionary wanted to thank the Carinthian benefactors for all their kindness, which has already helped to build 550 homes for the homeless in Akamasoi – Madagascar. “This is such a great gift. I must thank you,” he said.

You can see and listen to Opeka, too!

During the days of Opeka’s visit to Slovenia, there will be three main public events, reported the newspaper Družina. Two will take place on Sunday, the 3rd of December. In the morning, at 10 a.m., a Holy Mass will be held, with an address by Opeka, at the Franciscan Church of the Annunciation next to Ljubljana’s Tromostovje, with live radio transmission via Radio Ognjišče and Radio Slovenia – on the Ars programme. In the afternoon, at 3 p.m., there will be another Holy Mass with Opeka’s address held in the Maribor Cathedral. The main event, moderated by radio presenter Jure Sešek, will be the public testimony of Pedro Opeka, with musical guests and a presentation of the missionary’s work with photographic inserts. The event will be held on Monday, the 4th of December, at 7 p.m., in the Medvode Sports Hall. Tickets (the cost of which is a symbolic donation of 5 euros) must be booked through the office of the Slovenian Missionary Centre.

Before that, Opeka will also attend the evening Mass on Friday, the 1st of December, and later (at 7 p.m.), a cultural programme held at the St. Joseph Home (Dom Sv. Jožef) in Celje. The talk will be moderated by Dr Tanja Ozvatič, Director of the St. Mohor’s Society of Celje (Celjska Mohorjeva družba). A day later, on Saturday, the 2nd of December, Opeka will be one of the priests offering the evening Mass at 6 p.m., and after that, he will take part in a cultural event in Velike Lašče. He will also meet the President of the Republic, Nataša Pirc Musar.

A. G.

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