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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

Migrants Are Coming To Slovenia By Crossing The River Kolpa On Pieces Of Styrofoam

Citizens of the Croatian village Ladešići, which is located right next to the border with Slovenia, in the municipality of Neretvić near Karlovac, have recently spotted and filmed migrants trying to cross the rising Kolpa River to get into Slovenia on rafts made of Styrofoam.

Ladešići is one of the settlements on the Croatian side of the Kolpa River, on the migrant route leading to our country. The inhabitants of this settlement told Croatian Radio Mrežnica that illegal migrants come to their settlement with the help of smugglers, who bring them there and give them Styrofoam, which they use to get across the Kolpa River.

According to the Croatian news portal, the footage shows three migrants walking towards the Kolpa River in winter jackets, carrying pieces of Styrofoam in their hands. In one of the videos, a migrant can be seen “swimming” across the Kolpa River in his underpants on a piece of Styrofoam, while another migrant from the group is already on the Slovenian side, putting on his dry clothes.

Since the start of the migrant crisis, several migrants have already drowned in the Kolpa River. By the end of September, more than 44,000 illegal migrants have arrived in Slovenia along the Western Balkan route – this year alone.

A. S.

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