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Matjaž Nemec, SD MP and vice-president, lives in a parallel universe; he does not know the basic rules and laws of parliamentary democracy

Matjaž Nemec is an MP, vice-president of SD and president of KNOVS. Given the functions he holds and has held (he was vice-president of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia and also an assistant to the President of the Republic Borut Pahor), one would expect that he knows how parliamentary democracy works. But he either does not know or is viciously manipulating.

Modern progressives have brought a novelty to the world – a kind of interpretation of certain concepts. As these are educated people who have been active for a long time or have been active in politics, it would be difficult to say that they do not know the structure of parliamentary democracy. In all likelihood, it is a deliberate and vicious manipulation, a life in a parallel world where people are misled. The media mainstream sums it up and presents it as dry gold and (un)intentionally participates in destruction.

Thus (for example last year) Rajko Pirnat, who considers himself a constitutional lawyer, “did not know” that the prosecution falls under the executive branch of government, but hinted that it is an independent and autonomous branch of the government.

Matjaž Nemec went even further a few days ago. When listing who was in the police headquarters on the day of the protests, he mentioned Police Director Anton Olaj, Interior Minister Aleš Hojs, State Secretary for National Security Žan Mahnič, and State Secretary at the Ministry of the Interior Franc Kangler. This later turned out to be a lie (Hojs provided evidence that he was abroad), but Nemec asked himself: “Where is the division of power?” Which meant that the above fall under different branches of government. The truth is (as is the case in parliamentary democracies) that all four of them fall under the executive branch.

Nemec uttered another nonsense from his parallel universe yesterday (though you could say he was deliberately misleading). The N1 portal reported that Knovs president Matjaž Nemec pointed out as key information of the control at the GPU that “the political leadership was physically present in the operational headquarters during the worst protests.”

Matjaž Nemec obviously does not know who the political top is. In Slovenia, the political top consists of: The President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia (Igor Zorčič), the President of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia (Alojz Kovšca), the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia (Janez Janša), and the President of the Republic of Slovenia (Borut Pahor).

Janja Strah

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