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Matej Tonin: “We have proven to be effective”

With the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, the Minister of Defence, and the President of Nova Slovenija, Matej Tonin, we talked about the development and equipping of the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF), the almost two-year operation of the ruling coalition, the destructive actions of the left-wing extremist opposition, party events and preparations for the upcoming parliamentary elections.

 DEMOKRACIJA: Mr. Tonin, given that you are the Minister of Defence, I would like to start this conversation with the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF). How do you explain the fact that before the current government, before your arrival at the Ministry, our army was so neglected? That it was practically being saved on at its expense for a whole decade, even though it is one of the main attributes of Slovenian statehood…

Tonin: The past decade has been disastrous for the SAF. The left-wing governments starved it, so there was no money for anything except the salaries. In such unpromising circumstances, people also began to leave the army. There were years when we lost an entire battalion of soldiers. The barracks were falling apart. We have come to the point where, years ago, the Chief of Staff, Major General Alan Geder, warned that with the continuation of drastic austerity in the military, we will soon not have it anymore. When I took over as Minister, we had to act quickly. The military needed modernisation and new people. We subordinated all activities to these two goals. I am grateful to the Prime Minister, to my colleagues, and to the Members of Parliament, who have unselfishly supported our efforts all along, even though the extreme Levica party has violently attacked and slandered us. The SAF is one of the constitutive elements of our homeland, we are obliged to maintain it. We must not forget that security is a fragile value and that it is the first condition for the functioning of all other subsystems of society. The current situation in Ukraine, North Africa and the Western Balkans requires a well-trained and well-equipped army.

DEMOKRACIJA: As we know, during the current centre-right government, in the almost two years since you became a Minister, much has been done to improve the status of the military and officers’ professions. Could you highlight the key legislative changes that have been made in favour of this?


Tonin: True, in almost two years we have done much to improve the position of the soldier. The Act on the Provision of Funds for Investments in 2021–2026 marked the beginning of the modernisation of the SAF, within which we will provide Slovenian soldiers with modern technology, we are renovating barracks, most of them were really dilapidated, and we will take care of the personal equipment of soldiers. However, it is crucial that the soldiers are also satisfied, and we have done a lot for that during this term. I am pleased that the Defence Act, which provides for the regulation of the social status of soldiers after the age of 45, was supported by a two-thirds majority. Those who occupy deficient formations or are special specialists will be able to continue their work. For all others, the amendment envisages that they will be able to re-employ in other state bodies, with the same salary grades.

Amendments to the SV Service Act provide additional rest and leave for members of international operations and missions, shorten the period of emergency employment after scholarships, regulate the possibility of financing secondary education for those who enter in a contract for voluntary military service, and introduce compensation for banning strikes.

DEMOKRACIJA: A few days ago, we heard at a press conference of your Ministry that to improve the SAF’s readiness, you will once again take measures at the Ministry of Defence this year aimed at improving the state of recruitment and the social position of soldiers as well as rejuvenating the SAF structure. What measures are involved?

Tonin: We are continuing our work this year – we are investing in the SAF and its already mentioned modernisation, and we are also continuing to implement the changed concept of joining the SAF. Last July, we introduced a single-entry point for all forms of service to the homeland – voluntary military service, contractual reserve and permanent SAF composition. We redesigned the system and content of the 13-week training. This now takes place in three phases lasting 5, 6 and 2 weeks. The content is attractive and dynamic, young people are certainly not bored for a moment, they make new friends, and at the same time they can earn well and gain the conditions to take the driving test. Already during the training, they can pass the theoretical part of the driving test, and in the end part of the prize, which is also higher by as much as 1000 euros, is used for the practical part, driving in a driving school of their choice. In addition to learning about the military way of life, we also put more emphasis on the content that participants will be able to use in everyday life – firefighting skills, survival in nature … After the end of voluntary military service, after all 13 weeks, young people receive a reward of 3305 euros (3199 euros last year, this year it increased slightly due to the increase in the minimum wage). This year we are continuing with extremely successful camps for young people – MORS and youth, which is intended for underage students, and the Military camp, which is intended for adult students. The camps last for a week, and the interest is great. Also, this year, MORS awards scholarships to high school and university students. This is one of the highest scholarships in the country, and at the same time young people are securing their first job. More information on everything can be found on the Become a Soldier website and networks.

All the above, the modernisation of the SAF, better status of soldiers, renewed training, is reflected in increased interest and positive staffing trends for all forms of service to the homeland.

DEMOKRACIJA: That is to say, the changes introduced last year are already reflected in positive personnel figures?

Tonin: That is right. I am very proud of the better staffing trends, and above all that young people are very satisfied with the training and see the SAF as a potential career in the future. The atmosphere in the SAF has also improved, we are aware that only a satisfied soldier is the best promoter of the SAF.

Compared to 2019, in 2021 we recorded as many as four times more candidates sent for voluntary military service. If in 2019, 65 were sent for voluntary military service in the whole year, last year there were 285. There is also more interest in the contractual reserve and permanent employment in the SAF. In 2020, there were 100 percent more jobs, even more in 2021, and finally we can boast of positive numbers.

DEMOKRACIJA: As we know, you have also paid a lot of attention to the modernisation of the SAF’s armaments in the last two years. The Act on the Provision of Funds for Investments in the Slovenian Armed Forces in the Years 2021 to 2026 was also adopted. That is, the SAF will finally be equipped with modern equipment.

Tonin: We started the modernisation, which was more than necessary, last year. Despite all attempts to hold a referendum on investments in the SAF, the Constitutional Court affirmed that we cannot decide on security in referendums. This year we have already started with the urgent renovation of the barracks. These were worn out, old, the wind blew through the closed windows … We dressed the soldiers appropriately so that we would no longer see torn shoes and inappropriate equipment in the media. We started by purchasing Oshkosh light armoured vehicles, which will provide more security for our soldiers, we signed a contract for the purchase of a Spartan C27-J transport aircraft, which will not only serve the needs of the army but will also be useful in protection and rescue. The epidemic taught us that we must rely on our own capabilities to be able to provide transport to the sick and injured, the plane will participate in fires … We plan to buy 8X8 armoured vehicles, modernise helicopters, which are indispensable in helicopter emergency medical help and rescue in the mountains … In short, there is a lot of that. Our plan is to establish a middle battalion battle group, which is also part of NATO’s capability goals, and at the same time we will ensure greater security for soldiers both at home and on missions around the world.

DEMOKRACIJA: But how do you view the fact that the left opposition is trying to prevent your efforts, the government’s efforts to modernise the SAF in every way possible? The extremist party Levica is particularly vocal, trying to prevent the SAF from getting more money by demanding referendums…

Tonin: Ensuring the security of the EU will be a key, perhaps even the most important, challenge of the next decade. Slovenia must first take care of its own security, which will also contribute to the security of the entire EU. The position of the extreme Levica is clear – the disintegration and abolition of the SAF. However, it surprises me that other parties of the left opposition often uncritically follow the extreme policy of the Levica party. If I look at it completely legally, as a Minister I am only implementing strategic defence documents approved by the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia and prepared by previous governments. And these were not right. I am implementing the commitments of the Republic of Slovenia given to our partners within NATO by the governments before ours. No one forced the governments of Alenka Bratušek, Miro Cerar and Marjan Šarec into these commitments. Of course, our partners rightly expect us to keep our word. Looking at the bigger picture, however, it is imperative that we all realise that we will have to do more for our own safety. We spend 1 percent of our budget on security and that cannot be too much!

DEMOKRACIJA: The left accuses you of everything in a populist manner. I will not repeat all their nonsense, which already borders on sabotage, on the attempt to destroy the SAF. Nevertheless, I am interested in how you comment on their note, which I found on their website: “Minister Tonin spends on armoured vehicles twice the original price.” They have in mind 8×8 Boxer armoured vehicles… How do you respond to them?

Tonin: As Minister, I have ensured that we will conduct all military purchases in a completely transparent manner. Failure to do so would jeopardise all future military acquisitions. Therefore, most of the military equipment, wherever possible, is implemented through a government-to-government system to avoid intermediaries. Boxer eight-wheelers will be purchased through the OCCAR international programme. The estimated value of the vehicles was determined in the investment documentation, and the exact price will be determined in the contract. The price will certainly be higher than it was predicted years ago, when the extreme Levica forced the project to be stopped. Basic materials have become more expensive, security circumstances have changed. The responsibility for the higher price is certainly on the extreme Levica, although the price is clearly not crucial for it, but the simple fact that for the extreme Levica, every euro we spend on security and the SAF is too much. For them, the only solution would be the abolition of the SAF. These things are now being talked about quite openly. This is understandable for a party that sees Slovenian independence as a “stretch” and a “classic capitalist counter-revolution”, as their MP Kordiš wrote. In Nova Slovenija, however, we will do everything to ensure that the policy of the Levica is not the supra-coalition policy of the future government.

DEMOKRACIJA: But how do you respond to their populist accusations, saying that the money is for the army, according to them “for the tanks”, “for Tonin’s toys”, “let it be for health and social services”? At the same time, the Levica party is completely illogically opposed to people getting higher net wages…

Tonin: A good government that knows how to run a country and understands the challenges of the times takes care of everything – accessible public health, education, a functioning social system, a thriving economy and, of course, security. Security is a key asset that enables society to function. A trained and well-equipped army is the guarantor of our independent state. Therefore, I would ask a different question to the extreme Levica: for ten years, the SAF was deliberately neglected and practically brought to its knees. How many hospitals, schools, kindergartens, and nursing homes were built while they practically broke the SAF? During this time, they did not build any new public nursing homes, they managed to build 340 public housings and provide an additional 348 beds in public nursing homes. The public health system was built on the principles of socialist self-government. Today, we are allocating 800 million euros more for healthcare than in 2013, but this is not reflected in shortening waiting times and improving the quality of services. Our government has proven that it can develop all the key subsystems of society. Due to investments in the Slovenian Army, no department receives less budget funds. We are aware that the key is to generate budget revenues and not redistribute them. Our goal is an economically successful Slovenia and statistical indicators show that we are successful in our work.

DEMOKRACIJA: You are the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defence and President of the coalition party Nova Slovenija. Let us therefore turn in general to the work of this government, which has been facing an epidemic of the new coronavirus since its inception and severe attacks by the dominant media and artificially encouraged protests. Do you agree with those who say that this government is one of the most industrious so far?

Slovenian defence minister Matej Tonin ( Photo: Bruno Toic / Mors)

Tonin: The conditions in which our government operates are incomparable to the circumstances in which any other government has operated. However, statistics and results show that our results are also incomparable with any left-wing government in the last fifteen years. We are one of the most successful European countries in terms of speed of recovery. However, there is one essential difference between the Slovenian government and governments in other European countries. We are not only fighting the epidemic of the new coronavirus, but also with a completely destructive opposition. Their motto is “the worse for the country and the people, the better for us”. That is why we can be even more proud of what we have achieved.

DEMOKRACIJA: In an interview for the previous issue of Demokracija, your ministerial colleague Zdravko Počivalšek said, for example, that due to concrete measures taken by the government, Slovenia is today one of the winners of the corona crisis. Do you agree with him? What government measures would you highlight?

Tonin: With well-targeted measures, this government has achieved that the epidemic remains just a health crisis and has not escalated into an economic, social, and general social crisis. We have managed to maintain the standard of people, preserve jobs and, by generously accelerating investments, lay solid foundations for the further development of Slovenia. We have taken important steps towards the de-bureaucratisation and digitalisation of our country. Our last challenge, however, is to reduce the burden on work and raise all net wages – so that work will be appreciated, and everyone will get more out of their work.

As the President of Nova Slovenija, I can say that I am extremely proud of our young ministerial team. We have proven to be effective. We have moved things in our departments that previously seemed unsolvable for many years. Minister Jernej Vrtovec is modernising road and railway infrastructure throughout Slovenia. We are getting the third development axis, electronic vignettes, and the Karavanke tunnel is being built. Janez Cigler Kralj did not commission studies, but simply began to build homes for the elderly. Mark Boris Andrijanič is starting an ambitious project of digital literacy for all generations. Our NSi team was recently strengthened by the Minister of Agriculture, Jože Podgoršek.

DEMOKRACIJA: You have also successfully completed the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU. How do you explain the fact that the left-wing opposition, in conjunction with the dominant media, tried to sabotage it in every possible way?

Tonin: The Slovenian Presidency is a success story, which is acknowledged by the entire EU. We have closed several demanding files. Our work has also been praised by MEPs and Commissioners from the European Left Party. And this is the key difference between modern European parties and the Slovenian opposition. Politics is a concern for the common good that must transcend bloc divisions.

DEMOKRACIJA: Well, this year is a super-election year. At the end of April there will be parliamentary elections, in the autumn presidential and local elections. We will also elect a new National Council of the Republic of Slovenia through the electoral system. It is obvious that the media will also play an important role in this election campaign. How do you respond to the accusations of the weekly, which we once read with pleasure, that you stabbed Ljudmila Novak in the back? That you “shut up your political mother’s mouth” just before the election. It is clear to any connoisseur of the Slovenian political space and media that the left-wing media invite your former party president as their guest only because she is critical of the current Prime Minister and the government in general…. Prior to that, this weekly completely unfoundedly accused Janez Janša of “betraying Pučnik” …

Tonin: We had a constructive conversation with Ljudmila Novak. We have a common goal and that is for Nova Slovenija to achieve the best possible result in the upcoming elections.

DEMOKRACIJA: How do you view the fact that the various left-wing networks in conjunction with the dominant media before the upcoming elections again see the solution in a so-called new face, that is, in Robert Golob?

Tonin: In Nova Slovenija, we have a clear programme and a competent staff team, so we can start working immediately after joining the government. Our young ministerial team is recognised by all. I want people to support parties in elections that have already proven through their work that they can move things for the better. The history of new faces in Slovenian politics is well known, not too dazzling, so Mr. Golob will have a hard time.

DEMOKRACIJA: How is Nova Slovenija preparing for the elections, while we are again witnessing the emergence of many new parties, newspapers, and movements…

Tonin: Nova Slovenija has prepared a draft government programme for the period 2022-2026. Our key priorities are to improve the business environment, ensure public health accessible to all and support young families, as demography will be a key challenge for Slovenia’s future. We will have a list of competent candidates. We have recently strengthened the NSi with the Minister of Agriculture, Jože Podgoršek, and I can certainly announce some more pleasant surprises.

DEMOKRACIJA: And for the end. Why are the parliamentary elections at the end of April so important for the future of Slovenia? What do you think we will decide this time? Do you believe that we will have a centre-right government in the next parliamentary term?

Tonin: The centre-right government is certainly the best for Slovenia’s future. However, Nova Slovenija is ready to cooperate with all parties operating within the constitutional framework. Coordination of our programmes will be crucial. However, the forthcoming elections will be extremely important. They will decide on the future development of Slovenia. People will decide with their vote whether we want to develop Slovenia into a modern country that will provide conditions for everyone to develop their talents and we can be justifiably proud of. Or whether we will go back to the past, to where we once were. In times of socialist economic experiments, denial of Slovene identity and persecution of dissidents. In Nova Slovenija, we will do everything to show citizens the way to the future.


Matej Tonin was born in 1983 in Ljubljana. He studied political science at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, where in 2010 he received his master’s degree in Slovenian independence and the economic effects of independence. He has been politically active since 2001, when he joined NSi. In the local elections in 2006, 2010 and 2014, he was elected to the municipal council of the municipality of Kamnik. In 2007, he started working with the NSi parliamentary group as a public relations consultant, and then in November 2008 he began his independent entrepreneurial path. In 2011, he was elected to the National Assembly in the first preliminary parliamentary elections. He was also entrusted with the function of an MP in the 2014 parliamentary elections, and in both terms, he was also appointed leader of the NSi parliamentary group. In 2018, he took over the leadership of NSi. In the same year, he was re-elected as an MP in the preliminary parliamentary elections, and as the President of the National Assembly at the inaugural session. Following the formation of a minority left-wing government, he took over the leadership of the parliamentary commission for the oversight of intelligence and security services. He has been the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia since March 2020, when the current centre-right government took office.

By: Metod Berlec

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