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Lesbian Told Her Daughter: “You Do Not Have A Daddy!”

The well-known Slovenian homosexual activist Katka Bogataj shared a home video on social media that could be described as “indoctrination”.

After the girl in the video called her “daddy,” Bogataj almost angrily asked her, “What did you say?” When the girl repeated it, she replied, “You don’t have a daddy, you know?” She went on to explain to the girl that some families have “a daddy and a mommy,” but she has two mommies. She literally forced the answer out of the girl, and the latter was visibly uncomfortable.

“Smart mother No. 1 or No. 2 should have simply moved on from the child’s comment, but instead, she imposes her (sexual) inclinations as normality through play and conversations,” read one of the comments under the video posted by Katka Bogataj.

The video quickly went viral on social networks, including X. “This is pure child abuse, and this poor innocent child will have serious mental health problems if the relevant services do NOT TAKE ACTION immediately! The Government of the Republic of Slovenia, Nataša Pirc Musar and Lidl Slovenia, do you really want to support and promote this deviant sick behaviour?!!” read one of the comments. Bogataj is also a Lidl ambassador. “I am at a loss for words, really. Katja and Katka are a well-known Slovenian lesbian couple who already caused a scandal a year ago when Katka suggested that her 2-year-old “daughter” had a foot fetish. And it looks like they are craving attention again. Folks, this is sick,” wrote a Slovenian Democratic Youth (Slovenska demokratska mladina – SDM) member Zala Klopčič on X.

“She gets her fetish from her mother”

As mentioned above, comments poured in under the video, and the question was often asked why the Centres for Social Work do not take action.

This is because we are talking about the same person who some time ago suggested that her child “gets her fetish from her mother,” and shared a photo of the baby – she shares with her partner Katja Bogataj and who was conceived through artificial insemination – sucking on her toes.

This is one of the first gay couples to have had a rainbow marriage (in 2019) and later to have a baby through artificial insemination. Katka even calls herself a “golden lesbian” because she has never been with a man, for which she supposedly even has a medal.

Tanja Brkić

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