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It Is Scandalous That A Suspect Who Was Waiting For His Verdict Was Sitting In The Company Of The President Of The Supreme Court

“It is scandalous that a suspect who was waiting for his verdict – which was to come the very next day – was sitting in the company of the President of the Supreme Court because they are both avid fans of football – in addition to many other judges, lawyers from shady law firms, business and political leaders,” warned former judge Zvjezdan Radonjić.

We recently reported on a new scandal that casts a negative light on the independence and impartiality of the judiciary in Slovenia. At the recent football match between Slovenia and Denmark, cameras caught the criminally charged Mayor of Ljubljana, Zoran Janković, and the President of the Supreme Court, Miodrag Đorđević, shaking hands in a friendly manner. The very next day, Janković was acquitted in the Stožice case by a judge who had already acquitted him four times before. And before the recent football match, Mayor Janković was seen hugging the Minister of Justice.

The judiciary has reached rock bottom

Former judge Zvjezdan Radonjić, who himself fell into disgrace because of people like judge Đorđević, explained how he sees the incident: “It is difficult for me to say anything new about the judiciary, about which I have already explained dozens of times in the public media that it is undignified and existentially dangerous for democracy.” Staffing the judiciary with Miodrag Đorđević-type personnel – meaning, people without scruples and basic manners – according to Radonjić, represents a form of negative selection that, in cooperation with politics and business circles, has reached an all-time low. “What can I say about Đorđević, except that the position he occupies in today’s conditions is incompatible with professional and personal greatness?” Hundreds of judgments, according to the former judge, reinforce the belief that our judiciary is a disease without a cure. He noted that the situation is no better even in the Football Association of Slovenia (Nogometna zveza Slovenije – NZS), which is no stranger to staffing and negative selection. He also recalled how the famous Dragan Tošić from the Balkan Warrior affair sat in the VIP boxes in stadiums while being tried for the most serious crimes – and the same thing is now happening with a person involved in dozens of criminal proceedings, Radonjić added.

“The meddling in the Jamnik case happened through the Football Association and the top of the judiciary”

Radonjić considers it scandalous that the suspect, who was awaiting his verdict that was due on the following day, was sitting in the company of the President of the Supreme Court, because they are both avid fans of football – in addition to many other judges, lawyers from shady law firms, business and political leaders, who were also there with them. The football lobby is practically as strong as the homosexual lobby, in terms of power and importance, and this is proving to be lethal for the country. “I have clear information that the meddling in the famous murder case of Janko Jamnik happened through the Football Association and the top of the judiciary, from where a clear Ariadne thread is drawn to the Senate of the Court of Second Instance and its scandalous decisions,” Radonjić said frankly. When he spoke publicly about the fact that the judiciary was cancer, that it should be radically, supra-constitutionally treated as a malignant tumour, Radonjić was rebuked by legal authorities who are now themselves concluding that he was right, that our rule of law is, therefore, dead. Radonjić: “I am now stating publicly that, like in the judiciary, it is necessary to radically intervene in the Football Association as a breeding ground for criminogenic structures that are gravely dangerous for the state so that we could all live a decent life together.”

Đorđević reported judges Jan and Barbara Zobec to the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption

A legal expert who wished to remain anonymous also commented on the case: “The case is very telling in itself and needs no comment. Imagine if the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, John G. Roberts, had gotten together with Donald Trump like that at a football match. Actually, that is not even a good example, as the proceedings against Trump are still pending, and he has not been acquitted on several occasions.” However, our interlocutor also shared a very interesting fact with us – namely, he told us that it was Đorđević, who reported judges Jan Zobec and Barbara Zobec to the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption when they were invited to the US to give a lecture at the Atlanta Law School, and their travel and accommodation expenses were covered – which is understandable given that they gave a lecture. There is a general rule that whenever someone is invited to give a lecture, travel and accommodation expenses are covered for them by the institution that invited them, but no remuneration is paid. The lecture took place in February 2020.

Journalist Bojan Požar also commented on what is going on, as he tweeted: “What is important about the revealed (video, photo) meeting between the Mayor of Ljubljana Zoran Janković and the President of the Supreme Court Miodrag Đorđević is the following, which is perhaps even the most important:
– The visible body language of both public officials clearly shows us that Janković is absolutely superior to Đorđević. This is also best seen in the fact that Đorđević, after the handshake, is still showering him with a few words of endearment, while Janković is no longer paying attention to him. The event took place at Stožice, which is also the subject of the court case in question. Symbolism is so obvious here!
–These kinds of videos of Janković among his supporters, clans and voters are a source of admiration, uplift and glorification, and literally an embarrassment for justice and the rule of law and our country.”

Domen Mezeg

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