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Entrepreneur Aleš Štrancar: The Media Have Renounced Searching For The Truth

In his letter to the media, entrepreneur Aleš Štrancar warns that the media have completely lost their fundamental mission in society and that the media are no longer the fourth branch of government. He believes that the country’s dire situation is the fault of journalists, who have renounced the search for truth and are instead helping keep Golob and Janković in power and fomenting a crisis in the healthcare sector.

In a letter to the media, the head of the company Bia Separations, Aleš Štrancar, warns that as the fourth branch of government, they have long since relinquished their power. He blames the media for the doctors’ strike, the government’s schizophrenia, and Zoran Janković‘s “mayoralty”. Even Radio Ognjišče, which is under the alleged influence of the President of the Republic, Nataša Pirc Musar, has gone bad. Štrancar is convinced that journalism has long ceased to exist in this country.

He also believes that journalists should seek the truth and not just “hang on” to the information they receive from the 8th of March Institute – Inštitut 8. marec (the Director of which is Nika Kovač), the Slovenian Press Agency (STA), and press offices. In his view, there is not more than one truth, as former party boss Milan Kučan believes. Štrancar: “That’s not the case. There is always just one truth.” He urges journalists to question the salaries and working conditions of the ordinary doctors they are attacking.

He also urges them to check doctors’ salaries in Austria, while writing about the “fabulous” salaries of some doctors in Slovenia. He then points out the shortage of nurses and hospital attendants, and adds that the 30-hour working day would only make matters worse. He also believes that illegal migration will not solve the labour shortage problem and highlights the 1.5 billion loan used to “tycoonise” the Slovenian electricity industry.

You can read Štrancar’s letter in its entirety below.

“To ALL Slovenian media:

The media is supposed to be one of the branches of government. In Slovenia, you have long since renounced your power.

To whom it may concern,

We are following the news of the announced doctors’ strike, the schizophrenia of the government and the “mayoralty” of the municipality of Ljubljana. And who is most to blame for this? My opinion is that the media are the most to blame for this, all of you, from left to right, because you have become the slaves of the PR services (and the Russian Dacha on Radio Ognjišče). Journalism has long since ceased to exist in Slovenia. Let alone the search for truth. You write according to dictation, often reporting on lies or half-truths. As instructed by Kučan, so that there is more than one truth. But that is not the case. There is always only one truth.

You are writing at the behest of the so-called citizens’ initiative, funded by Obama, even though you hate Americans so much. Another example of schizophrenia.

You attack the doctors’ unions, have you asked yourselves what the salaries and working conditions are like for ordinary doctors, nurses?! You write about the fabulous salaries of some doctors, have you looked at the salaries in Austria? There is a shortage of nurses, of hospital attendants. And you, without the slightest criticism, summarise the monthlies with the idea of a 30-hour working day. Has it not dawned on you that this means that we will have 30 percent fewer doctors and nurses practically overnight?

You televise all sorts of reality “shows” (this, too, is a kind of prostitution) and thereby teach the younger generations how to live the easy way, without work. And you think that the labour problem will be solved by illegal migration. Go to Germany, France, etc., and see how many such migrants work.

If you don’t care about the truth, maybe at least ask yourselves what will happen to your loved ones. Most of you will not get a crumb from the rich tycoons’ tables.

And if you do not want Slovenia to land in total chaos soon, start making changes within your ranks. Do not publish anything you get sent from the STA and PR minions, and start looking for the TRUTH!
After all, it is you and those close to you who depend most on the work of doctors, nurses, engineers, bricklayers, people who create added value. And all these people will easily find jobs across the border. And who will take you on when Slovenia goes bankrupt?!
Have you noticed that the new, very successful government has just taken out a 1.5 billion loan to facilitate the tycoonisation of Slovenia’s electricity industry? Do you think that Slovenian exporters will be willing to pay even higher taxes?

All the best,

Aleš Štrancar”

Domen Mezeg

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