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[Document]: Boris A. Novak’s Uncle Ordered That All Those Who Were Not Committed to Communism Be Liquidated in Secret!

Practically everyone knows the playwright, poet and translator Boris A. Novak. Recently, the winner of the Prešeren Lifetime Achievement Award 2018 has been spotted at several of the anti-government protests, where, among other things, he read and even tried to sing a few verses he wrote that speak about none other than Prime Minister Janez Janša. At this point, most people cannot help but wonder just what is going on with someone who is considered an intellectual and decides to do this. Due to his enthusiastic expressing of such hatred towards the current government, many people finally see the resemblance between Boris A. Novak and his uncle, who was none other than the political commissioner Fric Novak, who was in no way able to hide his hatred towards those who were not completely committed to communism.

A document that has recently been published on Twitter represents the horrific order of the communist political commissioner Fric Novak to kill all those partisans who did not have a clear idea of what it really means to be a communist.  

Namely, at the beginning of the document, it is written that the commission, which consists of three to five one-hundred-percent dedicated communists, should examine all of the newly mobilised members. According to the political commissioner, they need to be asked what communism is all about, what is its goal, and who the world-famous communist leaders are. All those who know how to answer the questions and show interest in communism should then be treated as individuals who will be able to represent the one hundred percent (clean) communist staff.

The liquidations have to be carried out in secret
“All those who know nothing about the history of communism and have no interest in it should be liquidated,” the political commissioner Novak said, adding that it was necessary that the liquidation be carried out in secret. He wrote: “The liquidation of the death row inmates must be carried out in the utmost secrecy. You are responsible for any action that the public may become aware of.”

Based on what was written, it can be concluded that the communist commissioner advocated the belief that you are simply not worthy of life if you are not a committed communist. Only the knowledge of history and goals of communism, as well as knowing who the communist world leaders are, could keep you alive. Political commissioner Fric Novak also decided on life and death at the Krimska jama murder site, which kept on “operating” for several years after the end of World War II. Meanwhile, the heirs of the bloody revolution in Slovenia continue to glorify communism, the false Liberation Movement, and dictator Josep Broz Tito. Despite the fact that the latter is blamed for the deaths of as many as 570 thousand political opponents, placing him in the 10th place among the leaders who caused massacres in the 20th century, right behind Sadam Hussein, who is responsible for 600 thousand victims.

However, the Yugonostalgists who parade around with symbols of totalitarianism, are still trying to convince us year after year how good it was in the olden days. Anyone, especially the members of the younger generations who are open to learning about all the facts, and not just the one-sided fairy tales, can see that everything was not, in fact, good. Namely, the liquidations were part of a dark history that claimed the lives of people who were not liked by the select few people of the communist leadership. It is absolutely necessary to condemn such actions, namely, as the well-known phrase says: a nation that learns nothing from its past is doomed to fail. Let’s hope that this changes someday.

Sara Kovač

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