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What Did Priest Cestnik Say That Earned Him A Media Pogrom?

The well-known priest Branko Cestnik has published a post on feminism, which, according to the mainstream media, has “upset” the general public. He was attacked by some notorious names of the left-wing “elite”, and even the Human Rights Ombudsman commented on the matter, while Cestnik was not even called for comment. If they had called him, however, they would have realised that this is not the first time he has published such a post, nor is it his own thought, but he agrees with it.

Branko Cestnik was surprised to learn that his recent post on the social network X attracted so much attention – initially, it had about 15 thousand views, and then it grew significantly. He posted the following:

“The four stages of feminism:

  1. The struggle for women’s suffrage,
  2. the struggle for the legalisation of abortion and divorce (split with Christianity),

III. transgenderism and LGBT-isation (split with the Enlightenment),

  1. giving in to Islam (because of fear of emptiness and desire for a strong father).”

“Today, thanks to the television station POP TV, a quarter of a million people can debate this. So, if my record was intolerant of feminism, why was it propagated? And not only POP TV, but also by some other media outlets,” he said. He is also saddened by the fact that critics are politicising religion instead of the content.

“Questions about feminism are questions about women, about motherhood, about the future of humanity. These are questions that are deeply tied to our life experience and – whether we like it or not – are of interest to all of us,” explained Cestnik, who believes that this is the “silent reason why my writing bothers them, not so much politically, but substantively, because they haven’t said that it’s intolerant.”

He found the quote in a Spanish book 15 years ago

Cestnik stressed that he was surprised at the way POP TV had published the report, because “they didn’t even call me, which I would have expected, especially since they also asked the Human Rights Ombudsman for a comment.” Namely, Ombudsman Peter Svetina also commented on Cestnik’s post, although the media outlet did not even try to hear Cestnik’s side of the story and the reason for the post. Cestnik found the quote that apparently upset the public in a Spanish book 15 years ago, and he has also spoken about it several times on Radio Ognjišče, but so far, there has been no response.

He was even insulted by Anuška Delić

As expected, the President of the left-wing NGO, The 8th of March Institute (Inštitut 8. marec), Nika Kovač, reacted to Cestnik’s post by saying that it is completely inappropriate. Anuška Delić from the Oštro portal, which is basically just an extension of left-wing NGOs and supports all left-wing ideologies under the pretext of providing “real information”, also responded. Of course, the mention of feminism, in this case, was the ideal opportunity for Delić to comment on the matter, but her comment only proved her intolerance, as she wrote: “The Streetwalker [which is a play on Cestnik’s surname, as streetwalker translates to ‘pocestnik/pocestnica’ in Slovenian] feels called to interpret the gender from which he seems to have retreated, ashamed and frustrated, into celibacy.” “It is interesting that Anuška Delić attacked me and called me a streetwalker and then insulted my celibacy,” explained Cestnik, who responded with dignity and argument, writing, “Surnames are sacred. The surname Delić was first recorded in Croatia in 1691 in the registers of the Catholic Church. It was recorded by a celibate man.”

“My response to Anuška Delić had 17,000 views yesterday afternoon, more than my post about feminism, and POP TV didn’t mention it,” he was surprised.

The role of the woman is close to all of us, it is a broad concept

Cestnik, who writes blogs in his spare time, has also written about feminism several times before. In his novels about antiquity, he has put great emphasis on the ancient woman, her heroism, and also her psyche. “I have delved very deeply into this figure of the pagan or Christian woman, so the question of the woman is not far from my mind,” explained Cestnik, who is convinced that this topic is close to everyone’s heart.

“A woman is not just a partner, she is a mother, a sister, a grandmother. This is a whole woman’s world, it’s half of your classmates or more,” said Cestnik. “The women’s issue is not just about partnership, it is a broad issue that touches everyone. We all have a deep bond with our mother by virtue of our birth, it’s our first natural feminism.”

The leftists are not interested in content

“They don’t degrade the opponent on the basis of content, but on the basis of who you are,” pointed out Cestnik, who went on to explain that priests today are much more “silent”, and when they do speak up, they are suppressed by the leftists, who say, “What do you matter, parish priest, priest, you have to be silent,” and instead of arguing the content, they politicise religion.

Tanja Brkić

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