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“This Is Just One In A Series Of His (Golob’s) Lies, But It Is One Of The Worst!”

“Golob will not resign, of course, because he still feels strong enough. This belief is also being reinforced by the mainstream media. They have not done their job at all, as some of them have even helped spread the narrative that this letter does not exist,” the President of the Association of Journalists and Commentators (ZNP) Matevž Tomšič told our portal.

We recently reported that the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, finally revealed the letter she wrote about the candidacy of Tomaž Vesel as a potential European Commissioner, and she thus revealed that Prime Minister Robert Golob lied about the letter’s existence. Before the content of the letter was revealed, the Prime Minister had claimed that it did not exist, and that Vesel had decided to withdraw from the race by himself. We now know that this was just another in a series of lies by Golob. Vesel did not resign on his own but was rejected by the President of the European Commission, who asked Slovenia to put forward another candidate.

The Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka – SDS) also highlighted Golob’s many lies on X, writing: “The letter from von der Leyen proves that the Prime Minister lied! He lied about the letter not existing. He lied that the government had already sent everything that is relevant to the procedure to the National Assembly. He lied about the correspondence being confidential. He lied that Tomaž Vesel resigned on his own.”

Von der Leyen acted outside the scope of her authority

All the indications are that Vesel’s resignation was the result of gender discrimination (gender quotas), which also shows the inadmissible interference of a European institution in Slovenia’s decision-making process. MEP Milan Zver pointed out that von der Leyen acted outside the scope of her authority when she said Vesel was not competent enough and dismissed him. At the same time, it should be clear that the new candidate, Marta Kos, is not competent enough either. On top of that, she has a whole lot of “baggage.”

Hoys: We have a lying, narcissistic Prime Minister

Former Minister of the Interior Aleš Hojs was also harsh in his criticism of Golob: “The lying, narcissistic Prime Minister claimed on RTV Slovenia yesterday that he had handed over all the relevant documentation to the National Assembly, saying that there were no letters from von der Leyen. The FIDES trade union of doctors, the Young Doctors and the Medical Chamber of Slovenia, you can rest assured. The claim of doctors who do nothing is also just another lie by the narcissist.

We spoke to an expert in the field, the President of the Association of Journalists and Commentators, Matevž Tomšič, about Wednesday’s developments following the revelation of the letter, and also about why Golob refuses to resign despite the lies, why the mainstream media is not demanding that he does so, and about the Kos saga and the EU portfolio she has been offered. We are publishing his comment in its entirety below.

Tomšič’s comment on Golob’s lies and the Marta Kos saga:

“This is just one in a series of his lies, but it is one of the worst in its gravity. It was very naive to expect that it would not be revealed, i.e. that von der Leyen’s letter about the need to replace the Slovenian Commissioner-designate would not come to light. Did Golob think that the candidate for the President of the European Commission would ‘cover’ for him? Why should she, does she owe him anything? Golob will not resign, of course, because he still feels strong enough. This belief is also being reinforced by the mainstream media. They have not done their job at all, as some of them have even helped spread the narrative that this letter does not exist.

It is precisely because of the heavy ‘baggage’ that the Commissioner-designate carries that her confirmation in the European Parliament is by no means a given. The allegations of collaboration with the Communist secret police are very serious and will certainly not be overlooked by MEPs. If she is rejected or forced to resign, the ‘saga’ will repeat itself, and the question is whether Slovenia will get to keep this portfolio. The one it has now is not insignificant, but its weight is being greatly potentiated by the government and its supporters. Slovenia will not be able to determine the dynamics of enlargement on its own.

It has been evident since the formation of this government that the current government coalition was not formed ‘out of love’ but out of opposition to a common ‘enemy within’ (personified in Janez Janša). Internal disagreements are therefore a constant feature of this coalition. However, this does not mean that the government will end its mandate prematurely, as it still has a comfortable majority in Parliament (many coalition MPs are surely aware that this is their last mandate). The Trenta ‘affair’ is something that the behind-the-scenes power centres have ‘in store’ for the purpose of settling scores with Janša. It is a politically constructed process, even more absurd in its content than the ‘Partia affair’, which will surely fall in the final instance, but it is not impossible that it will nevertheless serve its purpose.”

Domen Mezeg

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