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The uprising on RTV is led by employees associated with the transitional left

Petra Bezjak Cirman is an influential president of the Workers’ Council on RTV, and her husband Primož Cirman is the author of the left-wing portal Necenzurirano. With her help, national television spreads false content created under the pen of her husband and at the same time leads the rebellion of the news programme collective against the proposal of the RTVS programme-production plan (PPN).

The proposal of the RTVS programme-production plan for 2022 will be before the programme council today. As previously reported, the TVS news programme is in serious crisis. Most shows have been dropping in views for years, with Dnevnik and Odmevi alone losing 250,000 or half of their once loyal viewers since 2003. Against this background, they have opted for change, modelled on the broadcasts of the most successful public televisions in Europe, such as the BBC, ZDF, and ORF.

The staff of the TVS news programme, as is well known, called on the council to reject it. When we see the names that make it up, it is also clear why they started the uprising. These are long-time employees of national television with shows in the most watched terms, but despite the trends and the ability to adapt to new programming schemes, they lost as much as half of their viewership. Among them are Igor E. Bergant, Manica Janežič Ambrožič, Dejan Ladika, Petra Bezjak Cirman…

Uncensored RTV

The latter is especially interesting because she is not only the president of the RTV Workers’ Council, but also the wife of the infamous journalist Primož Cirman on Odlazek’s portal Necenzurirano. This in itself would not be disputable if their questionable content did not also appear on television, the portal, and the radio of the national media, which is paid for by all Slovenian households. Namely, it is the portal of the left-wing tycoon Martin Odlazek, who is working strongly against the right, with one and only focus – to overthrow the democratic government with serial attacks, in order to bring the transitional left back to power. Namely, we have already caught Cirman and Vesna Vuković in a public place with the influential representative of the Social Democrats, Uroš Jauševac, which is just proof that these are guided and coordinated attacks under the pretext of investigative journalism. Finally, they attacked SDS MP Karmen Kozmus and her diploma with forged records, which did not happen for the first time and says a lot about the professionalism and, above all, the morale of Odlazek’s team.

All these contents, summarised on public RTV, which supposedly represent the top of Slovenian journalism, cast an extremely bad light on it. We have proven many times that RTV has more than 2,000 employees, the vast majority of whom are intertwined with similar views as the journalists of the Necenzurirano portal. This is undoubtedly confirmed by kinship ties. Petra Bezjak Cirman also publicly demonstrates this on social networks, when she openly shares her partner’s content. She made the biggest fool of herself during anti-government protests, when bullies attacked police officers and the National Assembly. In response to the routine reaction of the police, which defended the safety and property of citizens in compliance with all regulations, she dared to comment that we were a “police state” and moralised about police repression. When such a person leads a rebellion against the changes on RTV, all the alarms should ring, because not only her husband Cirman stands behind her, but the entire left scene – from the Social Democrats to the tycoons.

Sara Kovač / Nova24tv

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