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The transition networks desperately want to set up the technical government, and they want Jože P. Damijan as the prime minister! The goal is to take over expensive construction projects!

With the support of the media and capital, the transition networks plan to overthrow the current democratic government, establish a technical government and enthrone the radical left-wing economist Jože P. Damijan as the technical prime minister. A prominent member of Kučan’s Forum 21 and the owner of Idrija’s Kolektor and the Delo newspaper, Stojan Petrič, is also among the patrons of the project. The goal of the technical government is primarily to fill the increasingly empty funding pots of selected companies, by attacking the largest construction projects. Early elections are therefore not their intimate option.

 The transitional political-capital networks are preparing a plan in the background, for the fall of the current democratic government, and then the establishment of a technical government with the Prime Minister-designate Jože P. Damijan.

This is a project that has strong financial and media support supported by the Idrija tycoon Stojan Petrič, who is known to have failed to make profitable construction deals in the construction of the second track and the Karavanke tunnel during the previous government’s term. So, there are billions at stake for the selected companies, who would do anything to get them.

Damir Črnčec is also in the background of the project
So, what is their strategy? As you were able to see for yourself, a pompous article was published in Petrič’s newspaper Delo on Tuesday, with the message “we have found the savior” for the Slovenian economy, which will be none other than Jože P. Damijan. Damijan will be nominated for the position of the technical prime minister, and the four left-wing opposition parties which have lost their place in the government since March came up with the idea.

Political experts claim that the announcement indicates a thaw in the relations between Šarec’s LMŠ party and Petrič. Damir Črnčec is allegedly also actively involved in the operation, as he is supposed to check on Damijan. The possible candidacy could bring Črnčec a new opportunity, as it is known that he cares about the money more than anything. A recent poll also proves that LMŠ agrees with the plan since Marjan Šarec is no longer being forced down our throats as the possible new prime minister. The mainstream media rewarded LMŠ for cooperating and gave them higher ratings, as they overtook the rival SD party. In the coming days, we can expect even more “opinion leaders” on the left to express support for the new coup project, with encouraging words.

Let us also remind you of the meeting in front of the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, where Bogdan Biščak, Golobič’s lobbyist and former leading politician of the LDS and Zares parties, and Drago Kos, the first president of the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption, police agent and the informal editor of POP TV, met for coffee and a consultation.

Damijan and his astronomically high mortgages
The source also points out that Petrič and company are taking a big risk with their move, as Jože P. Damijan is known to be the man who needs a lot of money. We revealed this in 2018 already, when he was trying to become the governor of the Bank of Slovenia during the government of Marjan Šarec, and the land register revealed that his freedom was restricted by a mortgage of 587 thousand euros, at his home address in Domžale. And this is not his only mortgage; the other one weighs “only” 40 thousand euros.

In addition to the mortgages, Damijan’s home address is also used as the base for his private businesses. This would not be worth paying special attention to, if Damian was not a public servant. He is employed at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. His private company, the L.I.F.E., Institute, the Ljubljana Institute of Finance and Economy, d.o.o., and the Si za razvoj? association, of which he is the representative, are supposedly all based at his home address in Domžale.  And the company Grant Thornton Advisory poslovno svetovanje (business advisory) d.o.o. is headquartered in Ljubljana, which, along with Damijan and Sandra Damijan, who are the directors, also got an owner from the USA last May, according to the Ajpes database. With 375 euros, Meyer Mato Clarence from the USA became a partner. The company, founded in 2016, has been very successful in adding the budget money to its budget business, and in just four years, earning 145 thousand euros from it. The last transfer was received in March of this year when the new government took office in the middle of the month.

The operations of Damijan’s Ljubljana-based company, which had no employees in 2019, have been marked by very high revenues in the last three years. In 2017, 647 thousand euros, a year later, 158 thousand, and last year, 394 thousand euros. Extremely high debt ratios were also recorded during the years of high revenues. And we have already seen that living on credit is not a problem for Damijan – in the case of his real estate.

However, a transaction of funds to a tax haven was also recorded at Damijan’s company last August. Damijan also had good revenues from the state budget, with the companies he has registered at his home address in Domžale, according to the Erar application of the anti-corruption commission. His private company has so far been the most profitable, earning as much as 204 thousand euros. And eight thousand euros more came in from the Ministry of Economy.

If we add up all the budget revenues of Damijan’s afternoon businesses, the civil servant has probably already paid off half of his astronomically high mortgages.

Sara Kovač

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