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The European Union is in dire straits: SD president Tanja Fajon is taking over the management of the Asylum and Migration Fund 2021-2027 in the European Parliament!

After Tanja Fajon, MEP and the new president of the SD party, was reappointed as the European Parliament’s rapporteur on the functioning of the Schengen area in January 2020, and she called for the abolition of the “illegal border controls,” she has now also taken over the 2021-2027 Asylum and Migration Fund.

“Following the departure of my Maltese colleague Miriam Dalli to domestic politics, I took over another extremely important financial instrument in the European Parliament today, in the final phase of negotiations between the EU institutions: The Asylum and Migration Fund 2021-2027. Thank you to the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, for your trust and reporting,” Tanja Fajon, the president of the Social Democrats, who is also still an MEP, wrote on Twitter.

The SD party is in second place for her
By comparison, Dalli is saying goodbye to the European Parliament in order to be able to work as a Maltese MP. On the other hand, Fajon was handed over the leadership of the SD party, but she has no intention of leaving Brussels. For her, the party is in second place, and the European Parliament is in first place. Third place goes to the import of migrants, and the interests and well-being of Slovenians are somewhere far behind.

The fact that both Tanja Fajon, as well as Miriam Dalli, are both mentioned in the “leaked” document of the NGO Jewish billionaire Georg Soros’ Open Society Foundation is a confirmation that the reporting was passed on to the “right” hands. It is a complete coincidence that Juan Fernando López Aguilar, the chairman of the Committee, is also on the list. Like Fajon, bot Dalli and López Aguilar are also members of the S&D Group in the European Parliament.

It is, therefore, clear what we should expect. This is not Fajon’s first time reporting. She is a radical MEP who is doing her best to realise the ideals of an open society, at the expense of the indigenous population, of course. Her efforts include the import of migrants, restricting the work of the police, and protecting criminals who should be deported from the country.

At the end of October 2018, Nova24TV reported on the discussion of the draft report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council, regarding the rules applicable to the temporary reintroduction of border control at internal borders, which was prepared by Fajon. It was clear from her proposals that she was more concerned with the free movement of people than with the safety of the EU citizens. The draft alone was problematic in several instances, as it interfered with the autonomy of the Member States and tried to interfere in matters in which it had no authority, but Fajon’s proposals made the whole situation even worse.

Fajon opposed the establishment of police control at the border
Among other things, in the draft report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council, regarding the rules applicable to the temporary reintroduction of border control at internal borders, the new SD president advocated for effective and intensive police control within the limits of their authority, but also specifically pointed out that they must ensure that “these police controls would not be established with the intention of carrying out border controls.”

At the time, Fajon also suggested that the European Commission should sue the countries that violate the EU agreements before the European Court of Justice. These days, the EU is threatening Hungary and Poland with lawsuits and the confiscation of European Funds because the leftists do not like the real conservative politics.

Ivan Šokić

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