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Prime Minister Janša: This year has reaffirmed the value of people who put the common good first

Below is the New Year message by Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Janez Janša to his fellow citizens.

Dear fellow citizens,
Slovenians both at home and abroad,

Another year of many trials and difficult decisions is coming to a close. Times when people’s health or a nation’s existence are at stake always call for unity. They demand responsibility and solidarity. Without this, there are no victories in the battles that life puts before us. Just like there are no triumphs and no outstanding achievements without hard work and sacrifice.

Even though the health crisis has pushed us to the limit, we have won many important victories in the year that is drawing to an end. Victories that will accompany Slovenia on the path of the largest investment cycle in history. Soon, every community will be able to see the fruits of our joint labour, as indeed many already have. The budget for the coming two years, along with all other acts on long-term investments in healthcare, education and sports, allocate funds for renovating and building schools, kindergartens, hospitals, housing, homes for the elderly, roads and sports facilities, for constructing and repairing the water distribution system, for flood safety, and for many other purposes in an investment amount never seen before or since Slovenia’s independence.

We have one of the fastest-growing economies in Europe and the highest employment rate in the history of independent Slovenia or indeed ever, of which we can be rightly proud. The economic forecasts for the future are promising too. We are also nearing the end of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which was marked by a wide range of events in Europe and beyond. Despite the challenges, which were far from trivial, we succeeded.

Thank you all who have worked responsibly and tirelessly on behalf of Slovenia, both in preparation for and during the Presidency. Thank you all who have supported us during this time. In the course of the Presidency, we managed to close many files and pave the way to many projects for the greater wellbeing and safety not only of Slovenia but of the entire European Union.

This year has reaffirmed the value of people who put the common good first. In times of crisis brought about by the epidemic that have already lasted nearly two years, their work is all the more important. They deserve a special thank you and our deep respect. I wish that all of you who, in these difficult times, have been saving lives while still giving us a sense of security know that your work and your efforts are appreciated. Thank you all who, in this year that is coming to a close, have acted responsibly for your own benefit and the benefit of others.

Above all, I wish you good health and courage in the new year. Keep believing in yourselves and follow your dreams. Even when things are difficult and the sky is grey. After night comes day, and after winter must come spring. Spring is a time of rebirth, of new energy, a new page in the book of every individual and the book of Slovenian history. Protect your health and the health of your loved ones during these holidays. Share your hopes and the joy of anticipation, so that the coming year will be a year of all good and courageous people. Our year. Happy New Year!

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