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False information about the epidemic is also being spread among the teachers and nurses

Along with the coronavirus epidemic came a wave of people who are spreading conspiracy theories. In addition to those who spread false information on social media, this time, the conspiracy theorists became even more focused on a particular group of people. This time, they addressed their letter to the teachers in schools, as they believe that they are the foundation of knowledge transfer to their students. Experts warn that people should not fall prey to these false assumptions and information. “These conspiracy theories cannot be addressed directly; these are whole constructs, based on false assumptions, which, of course, mislead the lay people because of their apparent scholarliness. The only way to control such opinions is to keep people well informed with the right sources,” Bojana Beović told Nova24TV.

While, on the one hand, we are witnessing censorship on social networks, the coronavirus epidemic also brought a wave of those spreading conspiracy theories regarding the coronavirus. While, on the one hand, some people have lost their right to free speech; on the other hand, there are certain individuals who want to sow disunity and mistrust among people.

This time, the conspiracy theorists of the coronavirus epidemic addressed a letter to the teachers, believing that they are the foundation of the knowledge they pass on to the children they teach. Experts warn that such theories are often based on false constructs and assumptions that spread through various channels. With such false claims and information, the conspiracy theorists are intentionally misleading the laypeople, which, in fact, leads to non-compliance with the measures and, consequently, to the further spread of the epidemic. The authors of the aforementioned letter cite information with which, as they say, they are still looking for answers. “Because we know something is not right, so for the most part, we are still looking for answers to questions about what is going on,” they wrote in the letter that they sent to the nurses and teachers.

Misleading of the teachers who pass the knowledge on to the students in schools
“Teachers, even though the letter is meant to be read by everyone, you are the pillars of society, you are raising the new generation, they will one day grow up and shape our society, so it is important what values they have and what they know. I believe that you are all doing your best to encourage critical thinking in schoolchildren, and prepare them for their future independent lives, in which a lot of knowledge and questioning is needed,” they point out in the letter. Similar to the conspiracy theorists, the experts have also highlighted the importance of all the received information actually being verified and understood and added that we should not simply blindly trust the conspiracy theorists, who are sharing their opinions without having any real proof for it.

The letter goes on to say that the richest people on earth, such as Bill Gates and the Rockefeller family, are behind the coronavirus epidemic. As they further point out, it is precisely these individuals that have invested the most money into the vaccine, which is expected to further increase their wealth. They are spreading information that the PCR tests are not reliable because, as they claim, they do not provide the right information and cannot prove the existence of the virus. As conspiracy theorists, among others, have repeatedly pointed out in the past, they believe that wearing masks is harmful and restrictive, and the measures restrict our freedoms. Meanwhile, in Slovenia alone, at least 30 individuals die of the coronavirus every day.

This is a false construct
We also sent the aforementioned letter to the head of the COVID-19 advisory group, Bojana Beović, and asked her for comment. Beović emphasized that these are constructs that are based on lies, while those who wrote the letter even admit that they are also still looking for the answers to their questions. “These conspiracy theories cannot be addressed directly; these are whole constructs, based on false assumptions, which, of course, mislead the lay people because of their apparent scholarliness. The only way to control such opinions is to keep people well informed with the right sources,” Beović told Nova24TV.

Sara Rančigaj

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