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Analyst Miran Videtič: What Ljudmila Novak is doing is political amateurism

“I think this is political amateurism and not being aware of what kind of character suits Ljudmila Novak,” said political analyst Miran Videtič, who is convinced that Ljudmila Novak’s recent appearance in the European Parliament was a problem of her advisers. According to him, Novak’s behaviour does not match the policy of the Nova Slovenija party, so he does not see the possibility of constructive cooperation between the NSi party and Ljudmila Novak in the future.

Yesterday we wrote that Ljudmila Novak is now one of the exporters of misleading stories – namely, she stated a whole bunch of nonsense and untruths in the European Parliament and at the same time attacked the government of Janez Janša or him personally. However, she did not stop there, later she published a statement in which she stated that her words uttered in the European Parliament were “in response to very serious manipulations of MEP Milan Zver from the SDS party on the defeat of centre-right parties in the last parliamentary elections.” She also wrote that, as a Christian Democrat, she would never have forgiven herself if she had simply been silent in the face of such severe manipulations by Milan Zver, with whom she wanted to start sovereignty and integrity of her homeland in Brussels.

According to political analyst Miran Videtič, Ljudmila Novak’s problem is primarily the problem of her advisers, who want to turn a calm lady from Moravče – as we have known her from the past – into a rather schizophrenic woman who would win new political positions. “I think this is about political amateurism and not being aware of what kind of character suits Ljudmila Novak,” explained Videtič, who also pointed out that her behaviour was inconsistent with the policy of the Nova Slovenija party, whose representatives, especially in these two years of government, proved to be moderate and hardworking people. “Therefore, in the future I simply do not see the possibility of cooperation between NSi and Ljudmila Novak,” he added.

Political functions are not won in this way

“I once said that the right needs more democracy. Today I also add more self-reflections. Anyone who is unable to face the truth in the face of defeat and, due to his weakness, is even willing to question the sovereignty and integrity of his own homeland, cannot be my interlocutor,” Novak wrote on Twitter yesterday and in all probability targeted MEP Dr Milan Zver. Of course, it is understandable that each party plays for themselves, but that does not mean you go with some brutal attacks on a partner party. “And I think that partner parties can also be those that are on a completely different political side,” Videtič pointed out, adding that some dignity between the parties, regardless of political affiliation, must be maintained. According to Videtič, Novak’s attacks are directed brutally ad personam, which indicates a certain ignorance of political reality.

According to Videtič, the Nova Slovenija party will continue to follow its own direction, which does not necessarily mean that there will be no friction between them and the SDS party, but the analyst does not believe that they would launch any attacks on a personal level as Novak did in the case of Janez Janša or Milan Zver. Videtič thinks that Novak’s recent behaviour is a riddle, emphasising the fact that that is not the way of winning political positions. “If she wants to portray herself as someone who would collect left-wing votes in the run-up to the presidential election, she can forget about it. The left will have its own candidate,” said Videtič, who believes that this candidate will also be very strong.

Novak’s attack aroused astonishment in the EPP

Let us recall that at yesterday’s internal meeting, MEP Zver explained to his colleagues from the EPP the reasons for the defeat of the SDS party in the elections. Among other things, according to N1, he said that Winston Churchill syndrome had occurred in Slovenia. Winston Churchill, as the great winner of the Second World War, lost in the regular parliamentary elections, and something similar happened to Janez Janša, according to Zver. Zver also warned that the new government will be pro-Russian. Novak then responded that her party was “always a victim of some moves by Prime Minister Janez Janša”. According to her, these elections were a referendum against Janša, against some of his moves, which are very similar to Orbán’s moves. She also said that Robert Golob was made by Janša’s government, saying that it “dismissed various directors because it was doing a purge on public radio and television, because it was destroying the Slovenian Press Agency”.

MEP Romana Tomc assessed the analysis of the election of her colleague Zver as correct, while Ljudmila Novak’s attack was on the left and as such misguided and inappropriate, which surprised even MEPs in the European People’s Party. “Resentment is not the quality of a good politician, much less a Christian Democrat,” Romana Tomc explained.

Sara Bertoncelj

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