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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

Urbanija On The Pressures And Interference Of Minister Vrečko In The Management Of RTV

The management of RTV Slovenia strongly protests against the unacceptable pressure and interference of the Minister of Culture, Asta Vrečko, in the operational management of the national media outlet Radio-Television Slovenia (RTVS), wrote Uroš Urbanija, Acting Director of Television Slovenia, in a press release. “A minister who clearly does not understand basic democratic principles should …

Urbanija On The Pressures And Interference Of Minister Vrečko In The Management Of RTV Read More »

The Economic Sector: Due To The Bad Measures, We Have Regressed More Than Anyone Else In Europe

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and other business associations are becoming increasingly critical of the government of Robert Golob. They recently wrote in a letter of protest that the current government’s way of doing things and its attitude are making any serious social dialogue impossible. Now they are accusing the government of …

The Economic Sector: Due To The Bad Measures, We Have Regressed More Than Anyone Else In Europe Read More »

The Government That Cannot Look After Its Elderly Wants To Teach Migrants Slovenian

If there is one thing that the people of Slovenia are united on – regardless of whether they vote for the left or the right – it is the migrant issue. No one wants the modern ideology of “open borders,” which tacitly forces countries to open their borders not only to potential seekers of international …

The Government That Cannot Look After Its Elderly Wants To Teach Migrants Slovenian Read More »

The IDU Executive Committee Has Adopted A Resolution Calling For Russia To Be Declared A State Sponsor Of Terrorism

In recent days, Janez Janša attended the International Democratic Union Forum in London, where he also took part as a speaker. In addition to Janša, former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Ukrainian MP Oleksiy Goncharenko, MEP Manfred Weber, and other high-ranking officials, former ministers and presidents also addressed …

The IDU Executive Committee Has Adopted A Resolution Calling For Russia To Be Declared A State Sponsor Of Terrorism Read More »

Golob Would Have Helped The Pensioners The Most By Keeping The Janša Law In Place

The government is currently tackling the financial hardship of pensioners in retirement homes with what can only be described as touchups. Namely, they want to introduce a new intervention law that would limit the rise in prices of services in social care institutions. However, all of these problems would not have even happened in the …

Golob Would Have Helped The Pensioners The Most By Keeping The Janša Law In Place Read More »

MP Kordiš Wants To Take Away Your Right To Buy What You Like

Why has capitalism succeeded while every other system has degenerated into autocracy and widespread poverty? Because it has taken into account what the masses of people want. Each individual has his or her own desires, which the market fulfils for him or her, and the market is, in reality, a group of companies, which are …

MP Kordiš Wants To Take Away Your Right To Buy What You Like Read More »

Slovenia Has Dropped Four Spots In The Latest Competitiveness Ranking Of The Swiss Institute IMD

The Swiss foundation called the International Institute for Management Development (IMD), has published its World Competitiveness Ranking for the year 2023, ranking Slovenia 42nd out of 64 countries. While Denmark retained its position at the top of the ranking, Slovenia’s result is worse than last year, as we dropped four places. Infrastructure and government and …

Slovenia Has Dropped Four Spots In The Latest Competitiveness Ranking Of The Swiss Institute IMD Read More »

The Golob Government Has Dealt Another Blow To The Pensioners: They Will Be Left Without A Fair Annual Allowance

Following the current government’s big promises about how they will take care of the pensioners, the latter will actually get nothing but crumbs from the table of the Golob government. Namely, the time for the payment of the pensioners’ annual allowance is fast approaching, but instead of a fair amount, the government will only give …

The Golob Government Has Dealt Another Blow To The Pensioners: They Will Be Left Without A Fair Annual Allowance Read More »

Bernard Nežmah On The RTVS Council: “In A Way, We Got A Replica Of The Previous Regime”

“To me, this Radio-Television Slovenia Programme Council seems an awful lot like the councils before 1990 – or the councils of the previous regime. In a way, we got a replica of the previous regime. And whether I like it or not – when I look at it, I cannot claim otherwise,” columnist Bernard Nežmah …

Bernard Nežmah On The RTVS Council: “In A Way, We Got A Replica Of The Previous Regime” Read More »

The Success Of The Government’s Open Door Policy – The Number Of Illegal Migrants Is Three Times Higher Than Last Year

After our Prime Minister Robert Golob failed to convince the Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer not to extend border controls at the Slovenian border last week, which are in place because of the masses of migrants coming to Slovenia, the police published a report on Monday on illegal migration in our country in the first five …

The Success Of The Government’s Open Door Policy – The Number Of Illegal Migrants Is Three Times Higher Than Last Year Read More »

They Dared To Tell The Truth At The Pride Parade, So They Were Attacked

During Saturday’s Pride Parade, there was also a small group of dissidents present. Judging by the banner they unfurled in the centre of Ljubljana, they do not agree with the new ideas of the progressive left. As the crowd of supporters of the LGBT agenda marched through the centre of our capital, the young dissidents, …

They Dared To Tell The Truth At The Pride Parade, So They Were Attacked Read More »

Here Is How Much Public Funds Are Allocated For The LGBT Agenda And Propaganda

In light of Saturday’s Pride Parade in Ljubljana, which was the conclusion to several days of festival events for the LGBTIQ+ community, a review of the funding for those who advocate LGBT views shows that the state is indeed generous with its budgetary resources. Namely, one LGBT association alone has been funded with almost 4 …

Here Is How Much Public Funds Are Allocated For The LGBT Agenda And Propaganda Read More »