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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

After A Two Hour Adjournment, The Speaker Literally Ran Out Of The National Assembly

At Monday’s September session of the National Assembly, it was once again time for questions from the floor, which were to be answered only by the ministers of the Golob government, but not by the Prime Minister, who is on a working visit to New York on the sidelines of the United Nations meeting. The …

After A Two Hour Adjournment, The Speaker Literally Ran Out Of The National Assembly Read More »

Slovenia Ranked Worse Than South Africa On The World Press Freedom Index 2024!

During the term of the government of Janez Janša, the European Commission sent a special delegation to Slovenia to deal with alleged threats to the rule of law and media freedom, based on fabricated reports by Slovenian left-wing activists. It was rumoured that journalists dare not leave their apartments and that they are being intimidated …

Slovenia Ranked Worse Than South Africa On The World Press Freedom Index 2024! Read More »

Activists Of The Legal Network Managed To “Quell” The Independent Journalist Living Off Donations

The activists of the Legal Network for the Protection of Democracy (Pravna mreža za varstvo demokracije) are celebrating the fact that they managed to convict the freelance journalist of the Prava web portal, Luka Perš, in Slovenian court – which is not exactly renowned for its independence and impartiality. Meanwhile, Perš lives off of modest …

Activists Of The Legal Network Managed To “Quell” The Independent Journalist Living Off Donations Read More »

European Commissioner Candidate Marta Kos’s Career Fills International Headlines

The fact that Slovenia is sending a confidante of the former Directorate for State Security of Yugoslavia – UDBA – to Brussels as a candidate for the position of European Commissioner is sparking international controversy on several levels, and this has recently also been reported on in various media outlets, from Croatia’s Slobodna Dalmacija to …

European Commissioner Candidate Marta Kos’s Career Fills International Headlines Read More »

The First March For Life Was Held Last Weekend In Koper

“An extraordinary March for Life through the promenades and streets of Koper! Thank you!!!!” Aleš Primc thanked all the participants of this year’s first March for Life in Koper. According to Primc, around a thousand pro-life supporters gathered at the rally. On Sunday, the first of the three Marches for Life for those who appreciate …

The First March For Life Was Held Last Weekend In Koper Read More »

European Commissioner Candidate Kos’s Love For Mother Russia Is Upsetting The European Media Again

Slovenia’s candidate for the post of European Commissioner, who is expected to take over the enlargement portfolio, is the focus of international attention. Namely, the media outlet Politico has once again written about her, describing her as “left-leaning,” and in particular, highlighting her past statements “which have been conciliatory towards Russia.” European Commission President Ursula …

European Commissioner Candidate Kos’s Love For Mother Russia Is Upsetting The European Media Again Read More »

Candidate For Marta Kos’s Chief Of Staff Is A Diplomat Who Threatened Journalists In The Past And Was Caught In The WikiLeaks Scandal

Whether or not Marta Kos will actually become European Commissioner is still not clear – the media outlet Politico mentioned her as one of the five candidates who could fail to pass the hearings. But if she does become Commissioner, diplomat Marko Makovec is expected to become her chief of staff. The Slovenian public got …

Candidate For Marta Kos’s Chief Of Staff Is A Diplomat Who Threatened Journalists In The Past And Was Caught In The WikiLeaks Scandal Read More »

Slovenia Under A Barrage Of Criticism: We Are Engaging In Diplomatic Terrorism!

It has long been clear that the United Nations (UN) has become a club for the world’s autocrats, through which they steer world politics. Hence its many manoeuvres against Israel and its allies. The most recent is the approval of a resolution denying Israel the right to defend itself. Among the dictatorial and Western countries …

Slovenia Under A Barrage Of Criticism: We Are Engaging In Diplomatic Terrorism! Read More »

In The Midst Of A Political Storm, The Electro-Mafia Is Destroying And Privatising The Energy Sector

At the beginning of September, the news broke – the Šoštanj Thermal Power Plant is facing bankruptcy! Minister of the Environment, Climate and Energy Bojan Kumer appeared before the Slovenian public as a saviour. He announced an intervention law to be adopted in November at the latest. In addition, a special law is being prepared …

In The Midst Of A Political Storm, The Electro-Mafia Is Destroying And Privatising The Energy Sector Read More »

“This Is Just One In A Series Of His (Golob’s) Lies, But It Is One Of The Worst!”

“Golob will not resign, of course, because he still feels strong enough. This belief is also being reinforced by the mainstream media. They have not done their job at all, as some of them have even helped spread the narrative that this letter does not exist,” the President of the Association of Journalists and Commentators …

“This Is Just One In A Series Of His (Golob’s) Lies, But It Is One Of The Worst!” Read More »

Chaos At The Presentation Of Former Spy Marta Kos – Another UDBA Collaborator Lost His Cool

At Thursday’s hearing of Marta Kos, candidate for the new European Commissioner from Slovenia, tensions came to a boiling point. When the subject of Kos’s collaboration with the so-called UDBA – the Directorate for State Security of the former Yugoslavia, i.e. the political police – came up, some left-wing MPs were extremely unhappy. But none …

Chaos At The Presentation Of Former Spy Marta Kos – Another UDBA Collaborator Lost His Cool Read More »

The SDS Party Calls On Minister Of Finance and Minister For Digital Transformation To Resign

“We cannot seem to find the money for certain things in our country, but on the other hand, money for other things is miraculously found overnight, in spite of all the regulations, laws and rules, and it is immediately transferred, and nobody sees a problem with that,” MP Rado Gladek from the Slovenian Democratic Party …

The SDS Party Calls On Minister Of Finance and Minister For Digital Transformation To Resign Read More »