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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

Interpellations and Impeachment Before the Constitutional Court – the Left-Wing Opposition Shooting Itself in the Foot

The results of the vote of no confidence against the current government, the interpellation of Minister of Education, Science and Sport, Simona Kustec, the interpellation of the Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Janez Cigler Kralj, and the interpellation of the Minister of Culture, Vasko Simoniti, are like shots in the foot …

Interpellations and Impeachment Before the Constitutional Court – the Left-Wing Opposition Shooting Itself in the Foot Read More »

In a Poll With the Largest Sample Size, Slovenians Responded: The Solidarity Allowances for Pensioners During the Epidemic Were Justified!

The Government of Janez Janša did not forget about the pensioners in the anti-corona legislative packages. It provided two solidarity allowances for the pensioners with the lowest pensions. The fact that the aid in the form of solidarity allowances was more than justified was clearly shown by the data gathered in the SDS public opinion …

In a Poll With the Largest Sample Size, Slovenians Responded: The Solidarity Allowances for Pensioners During the Epidemic Were Justified! Read More »

Scandalous Statements by Former Commissioner Violeta Bulc, Including Statements Regarding Vaccination, at the Level of Shamanism

When Violeta Bulc ran for the position of European Commissioner, the Brussels-based New Europe wondered how valuable her master’s degree really is and wrote: “An eccentric choice of a candidate who seems to believe in everything but science.” Der Spiegel also acknowledged that “walking on hot coals is generally not one of the skills expected …

Scandalous Statements by Former Commissioner Violeta Bulc, Including Statements Regarding Vaccination, at the Level of Shamanism Read More »

PM Orban: We need a European renaissance

We talked about the future of Europe, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban told a press briefing in Budapest he held jontly with Italy’s former interior minister and Lega party chief Matteo Salvini, and Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. According to Viktor Orban, the pandemic situation enjoys priority in every discussion. They exchanged experiences and urged Brussels …

PM Orban: We need a European renaissance Read More »

George Soros continues his power grab in education

American stock market speculator George Soros provided a 500-million-dollar endowment to support US-based Bard College whose president happens to be a member of the Open Society Foundations (OSF) advisory board. Back in January of last year, George Soros announced that he would invest 1 billion dollars to launch a global Open Society University Network (OSUN). …

George Soros continues his power grab in education Read More »

“My Ministerial Colleagues in Europe Are Laughing at These Accusations of Pressures, as They Have Their Embassies Here, Which Can Tell Them the Real Truth About the State of the Media in Slovenia”

Three months before the beginning of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Slovenian administration, coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the leadership of Minister Anže Logar, Ph.D., is practically ready to take over the “baton,” even though it is facing an uncertain political situation and fate of the …

“My Ministerial Colleagues in Europe Are Laughing at These Accusations of Pressures, as They Have Their Embassies Here, Which Can Tell Them the Real Truth About the State of the Media in Slovenia” Read More »

Easter message by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Janez Janša

Dear citizens of Slovenia, Dear fellow Slovenians at home and abroad. The hope that Easter brings touches our open hearts time and again. Every time as if it were for the first time and always the way that we need it most at that precise moment. We draw strength from Easter hope. We rely on …

Easter message by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Janez Janša Read More »

Zorčič does not want to resign honourably from the position of President of the National Assembly, he clings to a company car with a driver, security, and higher salaries than other MPs

In a secret ballot, Igor Zorčič remained the President of the National Assembly. However, there are already calls from the public that it would be politically correct to resign in this case, as he is no longer part of the government coalition. According to the current practice, the position of the President of the National Assembly …

Zorčič does not want to resign honourably from the position of President of the National Assembly, he clings to a company car with a driver, security, and higher salaries than other MPs Read More »

The STA Journalist with a Long History of Aggressive Outbursts Has Now Also Attacked the Director of UKOM!

Director of the Government Communication Office (Urad Vlade Republike Slovenije za komuniciranje – referred to as UKOM) congratulated his journalistic colleague on Twitter, as she was elected president of the Slovenian Union of Journalists. However, the union clearly positioned itself against UKOM when it called on the government to immediately fulfil its financial obligations to …

The STA Journalist with a Long History of Aggressive Outbursts Has Now Also Attacked the Director of UKOM! Read More »

The National Television Reported on the Virus Deniers, Who Took Over Maribor, Completely Uncritically

On Saturday afternoon, hundreds of people gathered in Maribor to protest against the mandatory wearing of masks outside and the testing of children for the novel coronavirus. They were not wearing masks nor maintaining the necessary distance from one another, and among other things, they also hugged and sang together. They did all of this, …

The National Television Reported on the Virus Deniers, Who Took Over Maribor, Completely Uncritically Read More »

The key measure of the lockdown is to avoid social contact

Yesterday’s press conference on the current COVID-19 situation was attended by Tjaša Žohar Čretnik, the Director of the National Laboratory for Health, the Environment and Food, and Leon Cizelj from the Jožef Stefan Institute. On Wednesday, 5,622 PCR tests were performed and 1,335 cases were confirmed. The share of positive tests was thus 23.7%. Five …

The key measure of the lockdown is to avoid social contact Read More »