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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

The Government Thinks That The Leader Of The Opposition Needs Official Government Permission For Attending A Meeting

Janez Janša visited Israel at the beginning of last week. With a one-week delay, the Slovenian media – always “up to date” – reported on it when they got the green light to do so. At a meeting of the National Assembly’s Committee on Foreign Policy, State Secretary Sanja Štiglic said that the Ministry of …

The Government Thinks That The Leader Of The Opposition Needs Official Government Permission For Attending A Meeting Read More »

Where Does UNRWA’s Humanitarian Aid, Also Supported By European Commissioner Lenarčič, Actually End Up?

The current left-wing government still insists on funding the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), but where the aid actually ends up has been shown in videos circulating on social media. “The Gaza you won’t see on TV,” the video’s author wrote. Slovenian European Commissioner Janez Lenarčič …

Where Does UNRWA’s Humanitarian Aid, Also Supported By European Commissioner Lenarčič, Actually End Up? Read More »

The Government Is Opening New Migrant Facilities – Will There Be A Revolt?

To accommodate applicants for international protection, the government will establish two branches of the Asylum Centre in the former border crossing points of Obrežje and Središče ob Dravi, in the facilities at its disposal. A decision to this effect was adopted by the government on Friday. The two Asylum Centre outposts will be organised as …

The Government Is Opening New Migrant Facilities – Will There Be A Revolt? Read More »

SDS: The Government Should Harmonise Pensions Because It Has Once Again Deprived The Pensioners

“After almost two years of the government of the Freedom Movement (Gibanje Svoboda), the Social Democrats (Socialni demokrati – SD) and the Left party (Levica), the financial and social situation of pensioners has drastically worsened, not least because of the unfulfilled promises or commitments made by the coalition parties to pensioners,” says the Slovenian Democratic …

SDS: The Government Should Harmonise Pensions Because It Has Once Again Deprived The Pensioners Read More »

Liberals Only See Progress On The Rule Of Law When They Usurp The Power

During the term of the previous government of Janez Janša, the average outside observer could have concluded from the reactions of the European Commission, especially the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), and the European Commission’s infamous report on the rule of law, that Slovenia was sliding into a Russian-style autocracy. In …

Liberals Only See Progress On The Rule Of Law When They Usurp The Power Read More »

The People That Were So Concerned About The State Of The Rule Of Law During The Previous Government Have Gone Silent

During the term of the previous, Janez Janša government, we witnessed concerned visits by representatives of the European Union institutions, and many media outlets and journalists who were completely unknown to the Slovenian public were interested in what was happening here. But now that the news has broken about how the former Acting Director of …

The People That Were So Concerned About The State Of The Rule Of Law During The Previous Government Have Gone Silent Read More »

Was The Ninamedia Poll On Jews Compiled By Joseph Goebbels Himself?

In recent days, we have seen some public warnings about Ninamedia’s latest online survey, which asks respondents questions with clear anti-Semitic content – which belongs only to the darkest chapters of European history. Respondents are asked to rate, on a scale of 1 to 5, their level of agreement with statements that form the core …

Was The Ninamedia Poll On Jews Compiled By Joseph Goebbels Himself? Read More »

Scandalous: They Want To Sweep Commissioner Jourová’s Influence On RTV Under The Carpet

By hiding documents on the content of Commissioner Věra Jourová’s visit to Slovenia, the European Commission has breached a decision of the European Ombudsman’s Office. MEP Dr Milan Zver is convinced that they want to sweep under the carpet a scandal that has had the effect of undermining media freedom in Slovenia. Slovenian Member of …

Scandalous: They Want To Sweep Commissioner Jourová’s Influence On RTV Under The Carpet Read More »

Ursula von der Leyen Does Not Have The Support Of Three Slovenian Members Of The European Parliament

Romana Tomc, Milan Zver and Franc Bogovič, MEPs from the European People’s Party (EPP), are dissatisfied with the work of the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. She has recently announced her candidacy for a second term. Slovenian MEPs accuse her of making the wrong decisions and lacking decisiveness. However, MEP Ljudmila …

Ursula von der Leyen Does Not Have The Support Of Three Slovenian Members Of The European Parliament Read More »

The Purchase Of The Building On Litijska Was Financed With Flood Recovery Funds

The left-wing government of Robert Golob redirected funds earmarked for rehabilitation after the damage caused by natural disasters, even though the flood damage is far from being repaired and many flood zones are still dangerous for people. Following this week’s anti-corruption session, where Members of Parliament discussed controversial issues such as the seven-million-euro purchase of …

The Purchase Of The Building On Litijska Was Financed With Flood Recovery Funds Read More »

Hojs “Balanced” Another Extreme Performance Of The European Commission In Slovenia – From The Audience

On the day when the President of the Republic, Nataša Pirc Musar, signed a decree calling for the elections of Slovenian MEPs to the European Parliament, which will happen on the 9th of June, the House of the European Union, which brings together the European Parliament Office in Slovenia and the Representation of the European …

Hojs “Balanced” Another Extreme Performance Of The European Commission In Slovenia – From The Audience Read More »