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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

The Government’s Direct Attack On The Slovenian Language – It Will Abolish The Special Status Of The Mother Tongue

The Ministry of Education has recently presented a proposal for the National Education Programme, which is strongly opposed by the profession. The proposal lowers the standard of knowledge for the Slovenian language – in fact, it abolishes the special status of the mother tongue, which is a direct attack on the Slovenian language. This fact …

The Government’s Direct Attack On The Slovenian Language – It Will Abolish The Special Status Of The Mother Tongue Read More »

The Slovenian Income Tax Scale Is Pure Communism Compared To The Chinese One

Slovenia’s tax burden on wages is one of the highest in the world, and the Golob government, in its quest for taxpayers’ euros, wants to burden the wages even further, as we have already reported. The Slovenian taxpayer has been persuaded by the left that this is the only way forward. That, otherwise, a welfare …

The Slovenian Income Tax Scale Is Pure Communism Compared To The Chinese One Read More »

How Švarc Pipan Went Mad After The Litijska Affair And How Vesna Vuković Is Involved In The Story

The Ministry of Justice was like a battlefield after the “Litijska” affair broke out, according to a special whistleblowers’ letter. The text, which was delivered to our inbox, reveals hitherto unknown details about Vesna Vuković’s involvement in the whole affair, while also detailing how the former minister “went berserk” and who she authorised to be …

How Švarc Pipan Went Mad After The Litijska Affair And How Vesna Vuković Is Involved In The Story Read More »

Will The Freedom Movement Abolish Reconciliation Ceremonies, Too?

Following the abolition of the Museum of Slovenian Independence and the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Communist Violence, the Freedom Movement party’s moves now also threaten the reconciliation ceremonies in Kočevski rog, Šentjošt, Rovte … “These activities of the Freedom Movement are a disgrace in themselves. These are people without compassion and feeling …

Will The Freedom Movement Abolish Reconciliation Ceremonies, Too? Read More »

Janša In Brussels: “The SDS Party Does Not See A Good Future For The EU If The Previous European Coalition Composition Is Repeated”

“The debate has begun at the wrong end, because the positions are being discussed before the basic programme of the majority for the next five years has been agreed,” emphasised Janez Janša. The Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka – SDS) also pointed this out at the European People’s Party (EPP) Summit, which is why …

Janša In Brussels: “The SDS Party Does Not See A Good Future For The EU If The Previous European Coalition Composition Is Repeated” Read More »

Will Americans Bring Down The Gangster Janković?

“Given that Janković is closely linked to Dodik through at least two companies, we can expect that the U.S. will, in the future, also look into Janković’s ties with Dodik,” a Balkan expert believes. We recently reported that the U.S. has imposed new sanctions against Ljubljana Mayor Zoran Janković‘s close friend, the President of Republika …

Will Americans Bring Down The Gangster Janković? Read More »

The Government “Street Fighters” Are Threatening Doctors With Death

The current government, with the help of the media, has succeeded in carrying out a project to completely demonise doctors in the manner of the Nazi demonisation of the Jewish population in pre-war Germany. Most people today do not trust doctors and regard them as greedy capitalists who are more interested in money than in …

The Government “Street Fighters” Are Threatening Doctors With Death Read More »

Who Is Actually In Charge Of RTV Slovenia And Why They Want To Increase Your Mandatory Contribution

The national media outlet, Radio-Television Slovenia (RTVS), has been taken over by a clique of far-left activists after the “depoliticisation”, and this is evident in all aspects of programming – from what films are shown, to what they show to children, to the analysts and politicians in the studios of political shows – and the …

Who Is Actually In Charge Of RTV Slovenia And Why They Want To Increase Your Mandatory Contribution Read More »

Slovenia’s “Feminist Foreign Policy” Put To The Test – Will They Stand Up For Afghan Women?

The United Nations are organising a special conference on Afghanistan, but women will not be present there, nor will women’s rights be a topic of discussion. The critical public has warned that this is a ‘betrayal of women’. Meanwhile, the Slovenian Foreign Minister, who is supposedly leading a feminist foreign policy, has not yet launched …

Slovenia’s “Feminist Foreign Policy” Put To The Test – Will They Stand Up For Afghan Women? Read More »

Will The Militant Vegan Force Vegan Food Into Our Schools?

“It is sad that under this government, the value system in science is being eroded,” a group of prominent paediatricians, who are strongly opposed to the new government guidelines on nutrition, was critical in their comment, Planet TV reported. Namely, the government of Robert Golob wants to impose a vegan diet with food supplements on …

Will The Militant Vegan Force Vegan Food Into Our Schools? Read More »

The Excavator That Stopped The Aggressor Red Star’s March On An Independent Slovenia 33 Years Ago

“This is the excavator that, 33 years ago, together with the villagers of Vrhpolje in Vipava, was the first to stop the march of the aggressor Red Star towards an independent Slovenia. Today at 6 p.m., it will be part of a big ceremony organised by the Association for the Values of Slovenian Independence (Združenje …

The Excavator That Stopped The Aggressor Red Star’s March On An Independent Slovenia 33 Years Ago Read More »

Will Heads Start To Roll? Švarc Pipan, Golob And Boštjančič Illegally Reallocated Money

“With the execution of all the prescribed documents and consents, it can be assessed that the Minister of Finance Klemen Boštjančič, the then-Minister of Justice Dominika Švarc Pipan, the Government Office for Legislation, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Prime Minister Robert Golob, through their actions, violated the provisions of the Public …

Will Heads Start To Roll? Švarc Pipan, Golob And Boštjančič Illegally Reallocated Money Read More »