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When Left-Wing Fascism Reveals Itself Completely: Protester Tea Jarc Openly Called for the Unconstitutional Overthrow of the Government! She Also Does Not Regret the Incident at Kredarica!

She became known to the Slovenian public after the incident at Kredarica with Prime Minister Janez Janša; she is one of the most fervent Friday protesters; regarding the riots on Tuesday’s protests, she said she believes that Slovenia is in a civil war and that the government of Janez Janša should resign – and if it does not do so, the opposition should file an interpellation against it. In the show Ena na ena (One on One), Tea Jarc revealed her true colours completely: she openly encouraged the unconstitutional overthrow of the government, and she is not the least bit sorry for the incident at Kredarica. She is a representative of left-wing fascism in its purest form. 

Those who know the trade unionist Tea Jarc say that she is very driven and systematic in her plans, and she makes plans often – which somehow indicates that she was probably the main organiser of the attack on Prime Minister Janez Janša, which took place at Kredarica. Jarc said that she does not intend to apologise for the attack and that instead, Janša could apologise, as she believes that he was the one being insulting. She also said that she only asked the Prime Minister legitimate questions – according to her, the whole thing was not an attack. Which is most certainly not true, especially if we think back to her hysterical screaming for a moment. “The Mountain Code of Conduct speaks of camaraderie,” the host of the show reminded her, to which Jarc replied that fascism must be fought, regardless of the altitude. The host also reminded her that even Luka Mesec, coordinator of the Levica party (the Left), was critical of her actions, writing that we cannot get rid of Janša by shouting at him.

President of the Social Democrats party (SD), Tanja Fajon, also wrote that she does not believe this is the proper way to communicate in the mountains – but Jarc said that her goal is not to please the President of the SD party. The host insisted on the fact that Jarc broke the Mountain Code of Conduct and asked her if she would at least apologise to the mountaineers, if not to Janša. She did not answer this question directly, but she also did not apologise. The host went on to ask Jarc if she believes that the inscription “Death to Janšaism” is justified if the Prime Minister takes it personally – as a death threat against him. The activist stood her ground and said that Janša has been painting himself as the victim for the last thirty years. She believes that the phrase “Death to Janšaism” means exactly the same as the phrase “End Janšaism,” for example. Of course, Jarc equates the so-called Janšaism to fascism, which she also reiterated on the show. Host of the show Uroš Slak pointed out that the SDS party believes that Friday’s protests are a demonstration of left-wing fascism and that they want to illegally take over the power, just like Benito Mussolini, by declaring a people’s assembly. According to Jarc, this is nothing but a tactic of somebody blaming the other person for what he is actually doing. She pointed out once again that the current government is resorting to fascism. As an example, she listed all the well-known and repeatedly heard platitudes – nothing worth mentioning.

Jarc said that she does not want to see Stevanović in parliament
In her own words, Jarc believes that the Wednesday or Tuesday protests are quite confusing, but she also believes that they are mostly attended by people who are afraid – of the government’s incompetence, among other things. On the other hand, these protests are being led by a person who has clear political ambitions and is exploiting the fear of the people for his own interests. The mere fact that the (the Truth) party was founded shows that they want to get into parliament, Jarc believes. What a clever conclusion, isn’t it? Jarc then pointed out that she does not want to see Zoran Stevanović, the leader of the aforementioned party, in parliament, as she believes he is very similar to the current Prime Minister. It is quite difficult to understand how she got to that comparison.
Jarc also believes that the courts are one of the last branches that are maintaining a certain level of independence – which is also reflected in the fact that Stevanović and rapper Zlatan Čordić – another leader of the protests – were both released very soon after being arrested on Tuesday. The host of the show reminded her of the cases that show that the situation in Slovenia is not as bad as the Friday protesters are trying to make it out to be. Slak also wanted to get her to understand that the government respects the decisions of the courts, even if they do not like them, which is proof that we live in a democratic country. She did not agree with him.

It is clearly possible to travel to exotic places with spare change
Tea Jarc, who is also known by her scout name, Orca, then shared some information from unknown sources that as many as 70 percent of the people in the country support Friday’s protests. Apparently, the protesters have still not learned to count realistically to this day. She said that they are not the ones creating conflict, but instead, they are only bringing people together. She also pointed out that they are not protesting because of their own privileges and that they also protested during the terms of other governments. However, she believes that Janša is using the epidemic for his own interests. She believes that the accusations that they themselves are privileged simply because of some spare change that they get are unfounded, especially considering that the Prime Minister is losing millions in corrupt deals of buying medical ventilators, investing 780 million in the military, and so on. She supposedly only receives a minimum wage in the Youth Plus trade union, but she is also an independent entrepreneur – and we all know what that meant in the case of President of the Court of Audit, Tomaž Vesel. She probably is not doing as good as Vesel, but she still earns enough to be able to afford to travel on holiday to exotic places.

It seems that she likes Kučan and his people
The measures being adopted in Slovenia are the same as in other countries in Europe, Slak pointed out, asking whether she believes that leaders of other countries are also exploiting the epidemic for their own interests. “Friday protests are not the anti-corona protests, but protests against the government of Janez Janša,” Jarc explained, adding that these are also protests against corruption, attacks on the media, trade unions and environmental organisations; so, against everything that should work in a democracy, but does not, as far as she is concerned. The host of the show also mentioned that former President Milan Kučan has attended the last couple of Friday’s protests and that he read in the media that Kučan intends to take over these protests. Jarc replied that she was surprised when he first appeared there, but he only came because he also believes that we have had enough of all of this, that things have gone too far, and also because he wanted to show that we need to fight against the current government together. The current President of the Republic, Borut Pahor, has lost all of his integrity, Jarc said, adding that she believes Pahor is doing more harm than good. She has no intention of establishing a party, she also said. Well, we will see about that.

Sara Bertoncelj

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