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Two Old Acquaintances Of The Police Will Also Be At The Hamas Rally In Ljubljana

As we have previously reported, the Movement for Palestinian Rights is planning to organise a rally on Thursday, the 19th of October, at 5 p.m., in Ljubljana’s Republic Square. Thus, they will join the rallies of other extremists across Europe who make no secret of their racist, anti-Semitic and terrorist intentions. The rally, which, in reality, is as much intended for “peace” as was the Kučan’s rally for peace in Russia, will be a rally of dangerous individuals who have intimidated the population even in times of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Who are the people that will attend the “peaceful” meeting in support of Palestine? As a user of the social network X pointed out, the list certainly includes the rapper Zlatko and Anis Ličina, and as a reason for why he believes they will attend the rally, the user highlighted their anti-Semitic statements previously made online.

Anis Ličina, responding to a comic image of an Israeli soldier wearing a Nazi uniform, replied, “The way I see things now, and I’m not stupid, it was all their fault back then, too.” Another user, Igor Fatur, added: “Adolf would have known how to put things in order.” These are statements that are not only morally reprehensible, but also punishable under Article 297 of the Criminal Code, as they incite against a specific nationality and, among other things, deny the Holocaust. Will the police take action?

On the other hand, Zlatan Čordić, better known to the Slovenian public as the rapper Zlatko, said: “Right now, I would rather be in Gaza than anywhere else.” So, he has self-proclaimed that he would rather be in the ranks of Hamas and plan, together with them, a second holocaust and the destruction of the State of Israel?

Old acquaintances of the Slovenian public

It looks like Ličina and Zlatko will take part in the upcoming pro-Palestinian protest. These are also the two people who spread fear among the inhabitants of Ljubljana during the pandemic. Ličina was one of the organisers of the violent protest in the middle of the 2021 pandemic, where hooligans rampaged through the streets of Ljubljana, attacking passers-by and journalists, destroying property, and even seriously injuring one of the journalists at the scene. Even when Ličina was released from prison in Austria in 2021, where he had ended up after smuggling drugs with his father, he celebrated his freedom by waving the Palestinian flag.

Zlatko, on the other hand, became better known to the general public after he harassed Dr Milan Krek, the then-Director of the National Institute of Public Health, in broad daylight and in the middle of the street with his “bodyguard”, sharing the video with his followers and apologising only after seeing that the whole of Slovenia was horrified at what he had done. On the other hand, he also threatened to kill an employee of the Ministry of Culture after he was deprived of his right to receive state support as a self-employed cultural worker with a special status. The last time we reported on this, the criminal proceedings were still ongoing. During one of the anti-government protests during the term of the previous government, he also assaulted a Nova24TV cameraman and tried to steal his camera.

What would their participation say about the protest?

The Free Palestine catchword in the current situation means the creation of an Islamic State. In light of what is happening in the Middle East, many people are trying to feign ignorance about the fact that the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, whose aim is to destroy Israel and kill the Jews, controls the political life of Gaza. In 2006, the terrorist group won elections to the Palestinian parliament, consolidated its political power and ousted then-President Mahmoud Abbas‘s rival Fatah movement. Hamas retains a majority to this day, which means that Palestinians overwhelmingly support this form of governance.

Therefore, any rally in support of Palestine at the moment is an explicit endorsement of the leaders that the Palestinians have elected for themselves. Zlatko and Anis Ličina at the protest would have given a real patina to this rally: a protest by anti-Semitic extremists and criminals who have intimidated the Slovenian nation in the past. Let us also remind you that Zlatko has in the past welcomed the presence of radical mujahedin in the Balkan wars – and he did it publicly, on the national media outlet RTV Slovenia. So, he expressed support for a terrorist group whose ultimate goal is a global caliphate and a second holocaust. The security services should thus be on high alert and cooperate with foreign intelligence services.

I. K.

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