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This Is What the Last Battle of Kučan’s Generation Looks Like: They Are Destroying the Posters of the SDS party and Other Parties of the Government Coalition

According to the constitution, Slovenia is a democratic state with the rule of law. In practice, this means that power changes according to the will of the voters, expressed in the elections. However, since some people more than obviously still cannot come to terms with the fact that the centre-right government has been in power for the last two years, they are trying to do everything in their power to prevent something like that from happening again. This is obvious from the destruction of posters of the spring parties, which are common, while the posters of the left-wing parties have “surprisingly” remained intact.

During the pre-election period, it is customary to see posters of various parties addressing the electorate on the sides of the roads. Anyone who drives along the Celovška road in Ljubljana can see that we are witnessing hooligan acts by the left-wing activists. The posters of the spring parties have been torn, spray-painted, or otherwise destroyed, while the posters of the left-wing parties remain intact –”completely by chance.”

The posters have been destroyed or “decorated” with intolerant inscriptions, all in the typical style of the cycling anti-government protesters. This is obviously a sign of despair. If the transitional left knew that victory for it was guaranteed, this would certainly not be the case.

The posters of political parties and their candidates are always an attractive target for vandals. But apparently, this time it was a coordinated action of the leftists as only the posters of the ruling centre-right parties were destroyed or painted over. The police are taking action, though, as they report the perpetrators to the inspectorate of Internal Affairs if they catch them destroying the posters. And the vandal must then pay a fine. However, the police, unfortunately, do not have more detailed information about the vandalism.

P. T., J. S.

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