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The Web Portal Necenzurirano Admitted to Writing the Document Which is Being Presented as a Secret Government Document!

The web portal Necenzurirano (Uncensored) sent a request to Nova24TV to withdraw the document, which Necenzurirano tried to pass off as the government “non paper,” and which supposedly proves the government’s involvement in the dissolutions in the Balkans. In doing so, they practically admitted to being the authors of the document.

For the last couple of days, the left-wing central media outlets have been creating a sort of psychotic state in relation to the non paper document, which does not actually exist. Its existence has been denied by just about everyone; however, that does not mean that the media are not able to find or even create it themselves. Once again, they sold the story as an exclusive piece of news on the web portal Necenzurirano, where they are known for creating information prepared in the circles of Gregor Golobič and others. After all, the web portal is owned by the transitional tycoon Martin Odlazek, and the transitional tycoons want power, taxpayers’ money and immunity from prosecution more than anything, and his little hack writers are only paving the way for him to reach his goal.

On Thursday, the hack writers Primož Cirman and Vesna Vuković published an exclusive document that supposedly proved the existence of an “unofficial diplomatic document that talks about the dissolution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the annexation of Republika Srpska to Serbia, and unification of Kosovo with Albania.”

The document is forged
Since we decided to research the authenticity of the document, which we also published in one of our articles, we received an e-mail from the “legal representative” of the web portal, Tomaž Modic, who wrote that we published the material that they own without their consent, and so they are now asking that we take it down; otherwise, they will be forced to demand compensation for its use. However, after our question about who the author of the document is, they fell silent.

As is already known, the existence or authenticity of the document were not confirmed neither by the Slovenian government nor the European Council or the European Commission. US State Department also does not have the document, as it does not actually exist. However, it is increasingly being proven that the transitional left simply made the document up for the purposes of their anti-government political fight.
Editor-in-chief of the Demokracija media outlet, Jože Biščak, also commented on the situation, writing: “When you think that things cannot get much worse… First, you more than obviously forge something, and then, you ask for people to comment on the content of the forged document.”

Sara Kovač

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