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The Rule Of Law Does Not Apply To The European Commission

“The Vice-President of the European Commission, Věra Jourová, did not reply even by the deadline set by the European Ombudsman, thus formally entering into a dispute with yet another European Union institution,” Member of the European Parliament Milan Zver recently said.  

A few days ago, MEP Milan Zver received a reply to a complaint he had sent to the European Ombudsman’s office. The complaint concerned Commissioner Věra Jourová‘s stalling, as she continues to refuse to this day the full disclosure of the content of the talks that took place during her visit to Slovenia. It is important to note that, among other things, she also visited the Constitutional Court, where she met with the President of the Court himself, Dr Matej Accetto. The has been talk of Jourová’s alleged attempt to influence the Constitutional Court’s decision-making in relation to the controversial Radio-Television Slovenia Act, which the Court was deciding on at the time.

As MEP Zver said, the European Commission should have responded to his request for the publication of all internal documents from Věra Jourová’s controversial visit to Slovenia by the 29th of January 2024 at the latest. He added that the European Ombudsman’s Office had also promised to review all internal European Commission documents that fall within the scope of Jourová’s now-infamous visit to Slovenia and are related to her possible influence on the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia on the amendment to the Radio-Television Slovenia Act. Now, however, MEP Zver has reported on the X social network that Jourová did not even reply by the deadline that was set.

Jourová’s mission to Slovenia was an unprecedented scandal!

“It has long been clear to everyone that Jourová’s mission to Slovenia was an unprecedented scandal that enabled a brutal purge at the national media outlet, Radio-Television Slovenia (RTVS), which is why those in charge at the European Commission are doing everything they can to cover it up. Now that it is clear that the European Commission does not even respect the decisions of the European Ombudsman, I demand that Emily O’Reilly take stronger action and sanction those responsible in this story, including through the European Court of Justice. It would be unacceptable to deliberately delay the process until the end of the European Commission’s mandate,” said MEP Zver.

Domen Mezeg

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