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The Left-Wing Activist Has Called For Masked Individuals To Come Protest Opposite Mothers And Children!

There is no longer any doubt that the incitement to hatred, violence and intolerance comes from the very top of politics and from NGOs. The green light for this has been given by both the Prime Minister and the left-wing activists of the Legal Network for the Protection of Democracy (Pravna mreža za varstvo demokracije), who have directly and indirectly called people to the streets. The left-wing activist Sara Štiglic has also called for a protest on Saturday as a “counter march” to the March for Life and urged the participants to wear masks.

Vandal Sara Štiglic got the green light from the very top of politics to call for street violence on Saturday, the day of the March for Life rally. Not only that, but she also called on the participants to mask up. It is important to note here that there will be mothers and children at the March for Life, and Štiglic called for masked thugs to come protest opposite them, as she got permission to do so from both Prime Minister Robert Golob and Barbara Rajgelj of the Legal Network.

“…let’s come in scarves, hats and dark clothes: our faces are not the object of your hatred!...” Štiglic instructed the participants of the rally, which has allegedly not been registered with the competent authorities and will be held opposite the March for Life on Saturday at Prešeren Square. The announced violent protest is a response to a reckless statement by Golob, who supported Sara Štiglic’s activism on the social network X, and Janez Janša also warned of what could happen as a result of this statement on his social media profile. So, what are we facing now? Štiglic is organising a protest of masked protesters, following the tactics of the infamous Black Bloc, which is renowned for rioting and violence.

Following the example of the Antifa Black Bloc

The notorious Black Bloc is the name given to a demonstration formation carried out by predominantly left-wing radicals. Their tactics are tied to a certain dress code: usually, young men and women cover their faces with sunglasses and baseball caps, wear black jumpers, trousers and jackets, which are sometimes also black, and cloth over their mouths and noses. The uniformly dark clothing should make it more difficult for the police to filter and identify people during violence and riots.

They are known for their violence

Another characteristic of the Black Bloc during demonstrations – besides their dark clothing – is their determined and often aggressive behaviour. These demonstrators have carried out violence in several countries but are particularly present in Germany. The German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution estimates that there are up to 7,000 “violent autonomous people” in Germany who believe that using violence against people to achieve their goals is a legitimate option. In many cases, these are students belonging to radical left-wing groups such as Antifa activists, writes Kriminalpolizei.

Revealing the faces of the masked protesters

The announcement of the protest has triggered a number of reactions from concerned people who will be attending the March for Life or whose sisters, friends, mothers and others threatened by Štiglic will be there. In light of this, Tomaž Štih, known under the nickname Libertarec (Libertarian) on X, wrote: “Attention, the masked people will again illegally invade a legally announced (according to the law!) meeting of those who think differently from them, at 9:30 on Saturday, after the Prime Minister has called on them to continue their activist actions. This is a practice that directly mirrors the policy of intimidation of critics of the Venezuelan authorities. If the masked men do unleash violence, remember that the best defence is not necessarily to hit back, but to pull the masks off their faces so that the cameras can catch them”.

Does the Prime Minister support violence?

The expressed support for “street violence” clearly demonstrates how much support it actually has from the political top and the media. The NGOs, in addition to the Prime Minister, are literally encouraging street vandalism and hatred against dissenters, which in this case is also a minority, just for daring to speak out. In the event that any of the March for Life participants are harmed, the Prime Minister will be directly responsible for supporting such violence.

Even before the protest was announced, a message of support was written by the left-wing activist and anti-capitalist Barbara Rajgelj of the Legal Network, a kind of nationwide symbol of left-wing hypocrisy, conniving and ideological blindness. Not long ago, she was complaining about “cruel communication” in Slovenia, but now she even supports it, while at the same time, as a quasi-anti-capitalist, she supports Štiglic, who apparently does not mind capitalism, given her luxurious lifestyle.

And where are the government and the police? By supporting violence, they give rights exclusively to those whose opinions are in line with the officially commanded ideology of the state. Since, in this case, it is clear that this has absolutely nothing to do with abortion or women’s rights, as that has long since been settled, what we are witnessing now is merely their excuse for violence against a minority because it simply refuses to accept their ideology.

T. B.

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