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Sign Up for the March for Life 2021

The March for Life will take place on Saturday, the 2nd of October 2021, in Ljubljana. The coordination team for the March for Life 2021 announced that the march will be conducted in accordance with the government regulations for the epidemic and the recommendations and guidelines of the National Institute of Public Health. The participants will gather at 9.30 a.m. in front of the Church of St. Jacob on Levstik Square (cerkev sv. Jakoba, Levstikov trg) in Ljubljana, and will then walk to Prešeren Square, where the main part of the programme will take place. The march will end at 12.00.

In accordance with the recommendations of the National Institute of Public Health, the organisers of a public event must collect relevant data from all the participants, and therefore, the organisers kindly ask everyone to confirm their participation in the March for Life by filling out the questionnaire, or you can confirm your participation by calling the following telephone number: +38641 260 277. You can also register online for free – here.

The event is free; however, the organisation itself does cost something. “To everyone who is able to contribute financially, we kindly ask you to help us out. Funds can be transferred to the following bank account: Zavod za družino in kulturo življenja, Tržaška 85, 1000 Ljubljana, IBAN: SI56 0430 2000 3285 568, reference number: SI99, purpose: Pohod za življenje 2021. This year, too, we do not want anyone to leave the march empty-handed,” the organisers wrote.

“Life is given to us all as a gift from God. We got it for free, without our own efforts. We can do so much good for each other simply because we have a life and because we love it,” the organisers also wrote, thanking everyone for working together to save human lives – saving the weakest, most innocent and youngest members of our society.

They would also like to inform everyone that you will receive more detailed instructions after registration. “We are preparing a beautiful programme so that this wonderful event, just like last year, will remain in our memory for a long time,” they pointed out, adding that they want to specifically ask those who attended the March for Life last year already, and know how nice it was, to personally invite their circle of relatives, friends and acquaintances, to attend. “Unborn babies need us because they cannot help themselves, so sign yourself and your family up today for the March for Life 2021 and join all of the other activities we are preparing as well.”

Sara Kovač

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