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Residents Of Part Of Ljubljana: “We Feel Like We Live In Africa”

Not long ago, we reported on our portal that the police cannot be trusted for information about the crime rate in certain Slovenian cities. We “caught” them trying to cover up a rape that happened in the middle of the Ljubljana train station, citing the prevention of “secondary victimisation of the victim” as their reason for not informing the public of the heinous crime. Of course, they could have merely said that the perpetrators were four migrants – without even mentioning the victim, but apparently, the police are under pressure from the politicians in the clutches of the far-left ruling party, so they are covering up the crimes of the migrants – or covering them up for as long as they can. This is precisely why we, the media, who are not in the pockets of the government, often receive calls from desperate citizens who are not listened to when they speak out about migrant violence and who dare not speak out in public, lest they be branded racists. However, we can tell that there are serious things happening in the Vič neighbourhood of Ljubljana, where there is a large concentration of asylum seekers for international protection, just by browsing the posts on forums and Facebook groups.

In a private Facebook group where parents can talk to each other about all sorts of questions and problems, one user wrote despairingly, “What’s going on… there will soon be more of them in Vič than us.” “Sometimes it looks funny, migrants are hiding around our apartment building in the middle of the day, the police are looking for them, they are hiding everywhere, around the tobacco shop, the club Circus…. there are already so many of them in Vič that we feel like we live in Africa, not Slovenia, as there are only black people on the pavements…”.

The third user who commented on this thread said she does not even dare to turn on the TV, because she is terrified of knowing and watching anything. “I wouldn’t sleep all night because it’s killing me,” she said, while another wrote that “The government doesn’t care about us, they just take from us, taxes and prices are sky-high…”.

Users of Reddit also talked about the migrant issue

And there are a whole bunch of groups like this all over the Slovenian web. On Reddit, there is a group dedicated exclusively to the migrant problem in Vič, where people unanimously complain that the problem has gotten completely out of the police’s control.

“I live in Vič, and there is absolutely a big difference, and not just at first sight. But don’t take my word for it, ask any police officer (who have first-hand experience of the problems and consequences), and you will hear the difference we are talking about. Just because you don’t know about the problem doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist,” said one user, whose identity is being kept secret for fear of a left-wing pogrom.

“I live in the Vič district, I am a woman, and I can confirm that things have gotten worse in recent weeks. On public transport, there are no problems with them in principle, but it can be unpleasant if you meet them in the middle of the street. The situation is the worst on the Path of Remembrance and Comradeship – PST, where they gather in groups and make any walk very unpleasant for women, as they keep staring at them (sometimes you also experience them pointing fingers at you and more than obviously talking about you, but of course, you don’t understand them). I don’t walk in the dark alone anymore, and my friends have the same experience. But in the last week, I have seen people going door to door begging for money – first a woman, and later, a man; but does this happen anywhere else?” wrote another Reddit user.

“I can attest to the problems at the Path of Remembrance and Comradeship, you really do feel like you’re in a zoo when you walk past them,” added a third.

A user whose girlfriend has already been robbed by migrants also spoke up: “Anyone who says the problem does not exist, clearly does not know what the reality is like, or is lying. I live here, and I go to the bus stop every day to pick up my girlfriend because she doesn’t like to walk alone because they walk after her, and she has even been robbed before. We are about to have a baby, and now I have to think about moving because this street has become like the neighbourhood where a methadone hospital is located. My girlfriend will not want to go walking around the streets with her stroller because she’s scared. My neighbour comes crying to me when they are in her garden, asking me to tell them to go away, because they merely laugh at her. You only remain a leftist until you step on human shit behind the apartment building for the first time. I’ve been here for 10 years, and it’s never been this bad until this year.”

A parallel Universe

Citizens and the police seem to live in two separate, parallel universes. The Ljubljana Police Directorate says dryly that they are aware of the factors of increased security risks in connection with the migrants living in the Vič Asylum Home. Therefore, they are carrying out operational work in view of the security situation in the vicinity of the Home. For the police, therefore, this is a routine increase in crime. But the terrain shows a more horrifying picture. No one is listening to the suffering of ordinary people – residents who dare not venture out of their homes at night. The women who no longer dare to walk around the city in a mini skirt in the daytime, the young mothers who no longer dare to walk around this part of the city with their children.

It is clear that the government is completely under the political control of the Left party (Levica), whose basic guerrilla tactic of governance is to take power with the help of new potential voters from the Middle East and North Africa, and the police are only collateral damage. The Prime Minister is merely following and justifying their policies, using the old political platitudes about how the centre-right supposedly uses people to score political points. Migration, he says, is part of today’s reality, claiming that “the wave cannot be stopped because it is already too late when the migrants are at the borders.”

It is clear that the Palestinians will be arriving in Slovenia in the coming year – an Arab national entity which, according to public opinion polls, is considered one of the most fundamentalist and violence-hungry in the Middle East – an entity so extreme that even the Jordanians and Egyptians are building a wall to protect themselves against it. What else awaits the people of Vič?

I. K.

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